forum Hierarchy of hell (chat for anyone) [open for all!!]
Started by @VinegarSoup group

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a kid left a small bag of powdered sugar in the school as a joke, and just got called out in front of the class by the principal.

a person in my class got suspended because her skirt was too short, her hair was out, and she took a photo in class


do it do it do it! I'm so lonely back here T^T it's all fields and you can't climb any of the trees

but…me like climbing trees….

yeah, me too. that's the problem

a couple months ago, my mum took me and my lil brother to the city, and there was this HUGE tree, like 20m high, and I climb to the top
and had a panic attack at the top because it was high

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

a kid left a small bag of powdered sugar in the school as a joke, and just got called out in front of the class by the principal.

a person in my class got suspended because her skirt was too short, her hair was out, and she took a photo in class

A guy in my school brought w33d edibles to school and didnt get in trouble


a kid left a small bag of powdered sugar in the school as a joke, and just got called out in front of the class by the principal.

a person in my class got suspended because her skirt was too short, her hair was out, and she took a photo in class

A guy in my school brought w33d edibles to school and didnt get in trouble


@Serenity88 group

okay I didnt remember what it was, but I found a substitute-

Since this is the Hell Chat, I'd just like to say–
Screw this, Imma (insert something I probably shouldn't do)

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

a kid left a small bag of powdered sugar in the school as a joke, and just got called out in front of the class by the principal.

a person in my class got suspended because her skirt was too short, her hair was out, and she took a photo in class

A guy in my school brought w33d edibles to school and didnt get in trouble


Hes brought weed multiple times. He always smells like weed. This has been happening since 7th grade. Hes one of my rlly close friends.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

do it do it do it! I'm so lonely back here T^T it's all fields and you can't climb any of the trees

but…me like climbing trees….

yeah, me too. that's the problem

a couple months ago, my mum took me and my lil brother to the city, and there was this HUGE tree, like 20m high, and I climb to the top
and had a panic attack at the top because it was high

My father climbed a tree when he was about three years old. He got pretty high, a limb broke, and he fell straight to the ground. His skull cracked open.

Have fun with that information.


do it do it do it! I'm so lonely back here T^T it's all fields and you can't climb any of the trees

but…me like climbing trees….

yeah, me too. that's the problem

a couple months ago, my mum took me and my lil brother to the city, and there was this HUGE tree, like 20m high, and I climb to the top
and had a panic attack at the top because it was high

My father climbed a tree when he was about three years old. He got pretty high, a limb broke, and he fell straight to the ground. His skull cracked open.

Have fun with that information.

I don't even have a response for that
Is he ok?!?