forum Hey I'm Sly and I'm frickin depressed and unmotivated
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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Everything you're experiencing right now is temporary, in the grand scheme of things
Would you stop reading Harry Potter right after Cedric dies? When everything is going terribly? Or would you keep reading, having faith in JK that she'll make everything all right in the end?
Good always overcomes evil.
Love always overcomes hate.


My family would hate me if they knew what I was

so would my friends

I'd have nothing left

sly, honey please, tell us what's wrong


My family would hate me if they knew what I was

so would my friends

I'd have nothing left

I would literally take you to college with me
you can stay in my dorm room with me
I'll adopt you for real

Deleted user

My family would hate me if they knew what I was

so would my friends

I'd have nothing left

Sly, what are you? You can tell us, we won't hate you for it. That's not how the human mind works. The only reason people are irrational about things is because it comes as a shock and a human's natural instinct is to hate it. It changes nothing about how someone would feel about you.

Please, Sly, don't think or type things like this, it's so scary.



My sis spiraled into depression

she's the light of my life

I'm slowly learning that I'm queer

and my family and friends would hate me so I keep it pent up

I live with horrible comments on who I am every day

there's so much more



My sis spiraled into depression

she's the light of my life

I'm slowly learning that I'm queer

and my family and friends would hate me so I keep it pent up

I live with horrible comments on who I am every day

there's so much more

sly honey don't listen to them, it doesn't matter what they think of you. they don't understand the TRUE you.

Deleted user


My sis spiraled into depression

she's the light of my life

I'm slowly learning that I'm queer

and my family and friends would hate me so I keep it pent up

I live with horrible comments on who I am every day

there's so much more

Sly! Who cares if you're queer! A whole bunch of people are starting to support them! I myself support them! One of my best friends is queer, and I fully support them! Sly, please, listen to us, you're a really great person, and sooner or later your life will start going up again. You can't give up. You just can't.

Deleted user

Sly please don't
We love you
It wouldn't be the same without you
You're such a great person


Sly, we accept you, okay?? No matter what. You're an awesome human being and a light on this sight. You've got so much more to do and accomplish. Please don't hurt yourself. Please.

Deleted user

Sly if you kill yourself you're gonna hurt everybody you know and love more than you can think! Please, please don't go.



My sis spiraled into depression

she's the light of my life

I'm slowly learning that I'm queer

and my family and friends would hate me so I keep it pent up

I live with horrible comments on who I am every day

there's so much more

I get it. I get it so much my heart hurts.
I have had my share of self-hatred. Maybe more.
I know what it is to have other people hate you too. I know what it's like to lose (or feel like you're losing) your best friend, the light of your life
But you know what?
I promise you
it gets better
there is light at the end of the tunnel

and as for being queer-
oh my gosh I get it Sly. I get it.
I had a really hard time coming to terms with the fact that I was bi. and then ace. and for a really long time I couldn't even use the word gay to describe myself or my feelings towards girls
It was hard. It still is.
I still don't like calling myself queer.
I'm working on it.
I get days where I hate myself still.

But the good news?
All days come to an end. And the sun rises in the morning. And we get to try again and to be better and to face hate with love and to be the bigger person and to teach other people and to learn and to be human


Sly if you kill yourself you're gonna hurt everybody you know and love more than you can think! Please, please don't go.

this is so true. Please don't leave us.
I just got to this site, maybe a month ago? I just got you and I would be HEARTBROKEN to lose you!

Deleted user

All of us absolutely love your presence, and you're really snek dad. Please don't do this. You're scaring me so much my hands are shaking.

Deleted user

Sly if you kill yourself you're gonna hurt everybody you know and love more than you can think! Please, please don't go.

this is so true. Please don't leave us.
I just got to this site, maybe a month ago? I just got you and I would be HEARTBROKEN to lose you!

As did I! We just resolved that we would be Mom and Dad of the FC!! Why would you leave??