forum Hey I'm Sly and I'm frickin depressed and unmotivated
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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MMMmm give me the feels

no SLY No more feels for tonight

go get some chocolate


Sometimes, a door is closed because it's not the right one for you.
Trust God's judgement and timing, he knows what he's doing.

Deleted user

ok then Sly go get food

you like food right?

go get it

(darn it i made him sad again)

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Hey Natasha I know this is off topic, but could we RP sometime? You sound like a good rper and I wanna learn from masters of rping


Hey Natasha I know this is off topic, but could we RP sometime? You sound like a good rper and I wanna learn from masters of rping


Deleted user

I'm late to this but Sly…
I'm not the best with words or many situations, but I want to be there for you, so I'll try.
You're an amazing person. I may not know you in person, but if I did, I'm sure I wouldn't be disappointed.
Every single one of your RPs are so very good and you never cease to impress me.
Honestly, this is the first forum I've ever joined. There were others I would've loved to participate in, but every time I would chicken out. I wouldn't have preferred any other, now thinking about it. You were one of the first people I talked to on here, and made me immediately feel at home.
I know I haven't known you as long as others on here, and this might've not made you feel any better, but…

Deleted user

Hey Natasha I know this is off topic, but could we RP sometime? You sound like a good rper and I wanna learn from masters of rping


^D^ So I'm ready whenever you are. Should I make the one-on-one?


Also my friend- adding to all the psychological/social boost you're getting here, I'm gonna address the physical side of depression for a hot sec bc I did a project on this so while I am unprofessional and clearly not that qualified I will still do my best. (it's important to take a holistic approach to mental health so get ready lol)

  • okay so first of all: you need to stay hydrated and well fed. You may not feel like eating, or drinking even, so just do a little sip, here and there, or a protein bar, or even half a protein bar. Baby steps.
  • next, (I know you might not be able to do this rn (bc it's almost 10 where you are lol), but maybe tomorrow?) At least 20 minutes of sunshine a day is essential for positive mental health, so please spend some time out in the sun tomorrow? Wear your sunscreen, don't get burned. That will make you miserable. Bonus points if you actually exercise (even just a walk or 20 minutes of stretching in the sun) because that releases endorphins, which are happy hormones, and they will help you!
    • Also, some ppl think that being barefoot in grass helps release static electricity buildup in your body so being barefoot and letting the earth do its thing can help too? can't remember the specifics of this one but uh nice grass feels good under your feet.
  • a steady/consistent wake up time and bedtime will help
  • hugs!! hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs. Hugging (for ~ 7 seconds or longer) makes your body release more happy hormones that can help boost your mood. Go ask Lavender for a hug (tell her Kat said so). Or your mom. Or dad. Or dog. Whatever.
  • meditate or journal or do whatever you do. I do both, and it helps so much.
    • You can find guided meditations on youtube or apps (I use Headspace, it's nice and cute and the narrator person (I think his name is andy lol) has a nice voice). Meditation promotes mindfulness and being mindful helps you take care of your body.
    • Also journaling helps gets negative thoughts out of your head and onto paper. Speaking from experience and also science, getting stuff out of your head relieves stress and the intensity of the thoughts. I use the "morning pages" technique, which is a stream-of-consciousness style. You just write everything down that comes to mind, as it comes to mind, and while the morning pages goal is 3 pages/day, you don't need to reach that much (I certainly don't do that many everyday). ALSO!!! Don't go back and read what you wrote. This is not writing a novel or whatever. You aren't editing this. You are getting this out of your head and onto paper. I started morning pages last August, and I'm in my…. 3rd or 4th journal of it, and I think I've gone back and read some stuff from like 6 months ago, but just generally…. don't. It doesn't do to dwell on dreams (good or bad) and forget to live.

Okay so I think that's all the tips I have for now. Just know that your mental health is about 50% genetic/physiological; so if mental illness runs in your family, you're more likely to get it, and also, part of mental health is happening in your brain in terms of chemicals. That's why medication is used to treat clinical depression, bc your brain needs those neurotransmitters and other good things. Everyone's brain makes them, but some brains need a little more, and if you can't make enough, then "storebought" ones are fine.
The other 50% is a combination of your environment (so like home life, school, etc) and your attitude/reactions. So like… if you focus on making your environment as positive as possible, and your reactions as positive as possible, then you're already fighting half the battle and doing pretty well.
I love you so much. Please take care of yourself.


Hey Natasha I know this is off topic, but could we RP sometime? You sound like a good rper and I wanna learn from masters of rping


^D^ So I'm ready whenever you are. Should I make the one-on-one?


Deleted user

I love grass on bare feet. That's what I do, actually. My dad has severe depression and they're afraid I got it too. I do the majority of what Kat just prescribed and it WORKS. I promise. ^~^


I'm trying

it's difficult when things are starting to look up and then your sis's bird dies and you get hit with secondary depression along with the buckets you already had