forum Hey I'm Sly and I'm frickin depressed and unmotivated
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

people_alt 12 followers


Haha same

Then some stuff happened

major depression set in along with crippling anxiety

and then I met Scarlet

and things are a little better

but I'm still slowly spiraling downwards


You'll be okay
But it's okay to be sad and depressed sometimes.
It's life, it happens.
But there are a lot of people who love you and are ready to help you when you need it, myself included.

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Hugs Sly

i wish i could help you're such a great person!

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Yes i agree with Natasha. We're all here if you need it.

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Hugs Sly

i wish i could help you're such a great person!

What really?

hugs you back

Thank you….

yes really! If we met in real life i would still be your friend, no matter how awkward it may be!

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I love you, Sly! In a sisterly way, anyway.

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You guys are awesome

So are YOU
Remember that

yes! Agree!

Also hi Natasha, I don't know if you know me or not, but Sly's taking a five-minute break.

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See, Sly? You've helped so many people, and you are AWESOME in every standpoint. You don't deserve to get down like this, but the best people do. Fortunately, they get past it thanks to their loved ones. And that's what we're here for, love.


SLY HI I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND ALSO (okay I don't have caps lock so know that everything is in caps lock and I'm really passionate about it but I need all my fingers lol)
I know depression is really hard and life kinda treats you like crap sometimes. And it makes you not want to do anything, and makes you want to give up. But wanna know a thing? It's okay to feel terrible sometimes. If we never felt terrible, how would we know when we felt good? There has to be opposition in all things.
Also, I just wanna give you one of my favorite quotes:

 we can be sad and okay at the same time -Bill Bernat

just know that you are SOOOO loved and SOOOO appreciated and it's okay to not be okay and to not be at the top of your game 24/7

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ok i don't wanna type too much and seem too overbearing over the others so I'm just gonna continue internet hugging Sly.