forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

people_alt 146 followers

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Also why poc? All races be gay

well yeah but often poc are excluded from lgbtq friendly spaces and silenced in discussions about the lgbtq community but they've done the most for the community and its progression

Just watched this and found it relevant. (13:38-45). If it’s a pride flag. Why can’t it be inclusive of. All the gays? Poc have a hard time being Gay for sure but like. Sure whites have it a little easier in some places. But those stuggles are equally valid across races? It’s not like if you’re white you get a homophobia free existence.

@Pickles group

Dominic, there's so much racism in the lgbtq community, and so much homophobia in black spaces. Black trans women have been at the forefront fighting for our rights since the beginning. Please do a lick of research instead of asking everyone else to educate you.

@Mojack group

I too, have a haircut shortest since 2

unironically love it because it makes me look my age. for such a long time I’ve struggled with my physical appearance because I didn’t like how young I looked but this looks great
Also gonna try makeup sometime