forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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I'm this damn close to unfollowing the chat as a last attempt to save my bisexual heart


Okay, so remember when we were talking about how being named Robin makes you cute?
I think it's the same thing with the name Ace


no u

nO it's true
Ace in One Piece is cute
And you're even cuter



@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Okay, so remember when we were talking about how being named Robin makes you cute?
I think it's the same thing with the name Ace


no u

nO it's true
Ace in One Piece is cute
And you're even cuter



nO U

@Milani eco

any advice on how to come out to my family and friends? I dont think they will be mad/ annoyed that i am pan, but i just want to know how to make it as 'non-shocking' as possible ahaha


ahhh coming out, that's a tricky one. I guess it's different to each person, really and each family. If you're feeling scared I'd recommend doing it in small goes - start with a sibling you trust most, then any others if you have them, then your mum and dad and so on and so forth. What to actually say though is well… it's whatever you feel right, this is your moment and no one else can really tell you what to say. But what I can tell you is that we're all here for you and love you!

I told my dad he didn't have to worry about me getting a boyfriend, just a girlfriend… turns out I'm bi so like he had to deal with both…


i have not come out to my parents and don’t really intend to, but i did have to come out about my mental health issues recently so i might have some advice

Deleted user

I came out over the phone and honestly I really recommend it. Have a friend there hold your hand while you dial/type out your message and just do it. No face to face stuff makes it a lot easier sometimes.

@Pickles group

Uh, this isn't really the chat for that….. :/

Oh yeah. You're right. I thought this was the VC.

You and me both lmao

A trio

@Milani eco

any advice on how to come out to my family and friends? I dont think they will be mad/ annoyed that i am pan, but i just want to know how to make it as 'non-shocking' as possible ahaha

oh fudge, i posted this in the wrong tab LMAO. I'm sorry, will post in the different forum ahahhahahahah. I had the LGBTQ+ tab open on google and this one open aswell, and posted it in the wrong tab oh gosh im pathetic…

Deleted user

okay, y'all shall see half awake half asleep me.


Like I said, face looks gross and were driving, hence the headphones, but

It looks better than most pics of myself that I take, so here y'all go

and the more I stare, the more I hate it, so I'm gonna post before I lose my nerve


Thanks alrho I just realized it looks like my eyes are going two different directions???

It does not look like that. The more you stare at something the more your brain gets bored with it, so it warps the image over time. You look gorgeous.


Thanks alrho I just realized it looks like my eyes are going two different directions???

It does not look like that. The more you stare at something the more your brain gets bored with it, so it warps the image over time. You look gorgeous.

ooh s c i e n c e. But okay makes sense. I'd argue the gorgeous part but I know how that goes in this chat lmao