forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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shaky finger guts

clears throat

Thank you.

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Your eyes are very pretty.

A lot of people tell me that and I dont….get it. They're brown and they broken mate.

@Pickles group

Your eyes are very pretty.

A lot of people tell me that and I dont….get it. They're brown and they broken mate.

They're big and shiny


every conversation on every currently active thread is making me uncomfortable so i'm just gonna hang around here for a bit. might send chinchilla pics-

@Pickles group

every conversation on every currently active thread is making me uncomfortable so i'm just gonna hang around here for a bit. might send chinchilla pics-


Deleted user

Woah…@Bakayaro I'm blown away. You are gorgeous! (Btw, I love your accidental blonde hair.)

Deleted user

Woah…@Bakayaro I'm blown away. You are gorgeous! (Btw, I love your accidental blonde hair.)

Thank you Thank you Thank you :D