forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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I'm cutting my hair soon into that longish bisexual bob so I'll post a pic when I do that



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It's okay Eris you can appreciate me out loud next week
Hang in there

happy bisexual noises

Deleted user

I'm confused by this 'out loud' business.

It's okay. I'll tell you when you're older.

@Pickles group


Since Eris is old, it's weird to comment on the appearance of minors and there might be legal stuff? Not quite sure about that though


Holy shit y'all are so good looking???
like not to be bi on main but you guys are beautiful and it's kinda not fair
I would hug every single one of you guys

@Moxie group


I'm different now. I will shout at a random girl in college "You look great today!" on occasion.



it’s always so awkward when i make new irl friends cause I make it a habit to casually tell all my friends i love them but not everyone’s as used to it as i am…


it’s always so awkward when i make new irl friends cause I make it a habit to casually tell all my friends i love them but not everyone’s as used to it as i am…

I'm such an activist for telling your friends you love them. Like, you do love them, so why feel weird about saying it? Everyone should say "I love you" to their platonic family.

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I would love to post another pic of myself, but I havent look presentable in days.