forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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@Anemone eco

Well, looks like I have to fight your self-esteem, your mirror, and your sister, because you are fucking beautiful.

@Pickles group

Fuck, Atlas. I was just fine with my sexuality and then you had to come and make me wonder-
You are extremely hot and I'm upset

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looking back at it, she definitely looks like me with my natural hair

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atlas, you're stunning

you could stab me and i'd thank you

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So since I was a coward and deleted the pictures I posted on here, I thought I'd upload new ones
Uhh disclaimer tho, I've got a filter on cause my self esteem is friable and I don't want it shattered more than it already is, sorry 😂😂

And since I still am a coward, I'll prolly delete these later too lmfao

OMG my heart is beating so fast, I just wanna pop out a ring and marry you!! (((if you don't mind)))

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Lee is definitely cute. Another one of those people who makes me question whether or not I'm attracted to nonbinary/genderfluid people

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If you mean hot as in im burning in hell then yeah!