forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

people_alt 146 followers

@Milani eco

Lady, thou saucy minnow.

Thou saucy minnow does nowt knowt what 'thou saucy minnow' is tryinth to sayith.

@HighPockets group

Lady, thou saucy minnow.

Thou saucy minnow does nowt knowt what 'thou saucy minnow' is tryinth to sayith.

I'm sorry, that butchering of Shakespearean dialect killed me for a minute.
Away, bawdy cutpurse, thou lily-livered rogue!

@Milani eco

Lady, thou saucy minnow.

Thou saucy minnow does nowt knowt what 'thou saucy minnow' is tryinth to sayith.

I'm sorry, that butchering of Shakespearean dialect killed me for a minute.
Away, bawdy cutpurse, thou lily-livered rogue!

I do not know much Shakespeare I was just going along with my brain lmao Okayth me lady

@HighPockets group

Lady, thou saucy minnow.

Thou saucy minnow does nowt knowt what 'thou saucy minnow' is tryinth to sayith.

I'm sorry, that butchering of Shakespearean dialect killed me for a minute.
Away, bawdy cutpurse, thou lily-livered rogue!

I do not know much Shakespeare I was just going along with my brain lmao Okayth me lady

Thou art a rascal. Away, you moldy rogue!



tell ace they're adorable

This hasn't gone unnoticed.
Just gonna say I wasn't online at the time, how dare you take advantage of my one weakness: dinner time.
I shall exact my revenge. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day…

@HighPockets group


tell ace they're adorable

This hasn't gone unnoticed.
Just gonna say I wasn't online at the time, how dare you take advantage of my one weakness: dinner time.
I shall exact my revenge. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day…

We'll be waiting :P


Me but I moved out of my chair.

Relsey if you could just stop being gorgeous for two seconds–my heart needs a bit of a break or it might just explode from beauty overload

Deleted user

Me but I moved out of my chair.

Relsey if you could just stop being gorgeous for two seconds–my heart needs a bit of a break or it might just explode from beauty overload

ohmygod you look so
s o f t
i can't-
you're so adorable !

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

yall might get to see another picture of me today
i feel cute rn
i do not feel like taking a picture of myself atm

Well I would love to see another if you feel so inclined.

i second this lmao i want to see my wifeee

Deleted user

So since I was a coward and deleted the pictures I posted on here, I thought I'd upload new ones
Uhh disclaimer tho, I've got a filter on cause my self esteem is friable and I don't want it shattered more than it already is, sorry 😂😂

And since I still am a coward, I'll prolly delete these later too lmfao

Deleted user

Man, I already feel the regret setting in-

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

'Holy jumping Jesus on a breadstick' is not an exclamation I thought I'd be hearing, but it's very fitting to my emotions right now.
Because oh my goodness you are adorable

@Anemone eco


I swear to the stars, Atlas, you're going to kill me.

Atlas. I've said it before and all say it again:
You are hot.
Do not regret anything, dude. You look absolutely stunning.

Deleted user

Oh my god, Altlas your frickin gorgeous!! Like HoWwW?? (Also, I'm loving the Tokyo Ghoul t-shirt)