forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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Spot the difference, level: EXTREME

…Okay but seriously, you're so pancaking cute I can't stand it

I can. The doggo's happy.


Spot the difference, level: EXTREME

…Okay but seriously, you're so pancaking cute I can't stand it

I can. The doggo's happy.

In that case, I might as well make a wholesome meme…

Focusing on the negatives in life

Taking the time to see the positives and not let life bring you down because you are a strong, powerful champion who deserves to smile

@HighPockets group

I feel like this is either gonna come off as flirty or weird when it's neither, but:
Shuri, you have the eyes of a Disney character.
Okay, maybe that is a little weird to say, but it's TRUE!