forum here you can complain about anything no judgement
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 3 followers


as a young trans guy, my family have struggled with adjusting to this. my parents don't call me by my preferred name, and it really sucks. i think a lot of my mental health issues have stemmed from things such as not getting the support i need. it's not just that, it's also other things, but a lot of my problems come from that. my dad told me it hurts him for people to call me by my preferred name, because he gave me my birth name. it fucking sucks knowing that your life and how you feel inside hurts your own dad. i don't think my parents understand my dysphoria and how saying certain things or using very gendered terms can affect me.


hi i'd like to file a complaint

two of my friends hate each other and its really dumb? like theyre both petty and then they come and complain to me about like the most shallow things. but I'm such a pushover and I want them both to stay my friends so I don't choose sides but I sugar coat everything. its really stupid and I'm so tired of it but I keep doing it and honestly I'm so glad we're not going to the same college because I am t i r e d of listening to their whining. some of us have real problems!! stop acting like every little thing is the end of the world!!!

wow okay that was some oversharing anyway i hope no one reads this


ur so lucky. this is literally the most shallow thing going on rn but I'm not about to overshare thaaaat much and tell my actual problems lol


Uh… I hate my lazy butt and lack of discipline. It's the kind of thing that slowly grows and then spreads into all areas of your life, and I am just now reaping the consequences. GONNA DEAL WITH IT AND LEARN MY LESSON IMMA BE FINE.


Y'ALL. LISTEN. i just took a calculus test (online and automatically graded) and i missed 5 out of 19 questions and got a 74. That sucks, right??? THEN i look at the ones i missed and two of them were: I put 19.9 when they wanted 20.0 and I put 13.5 when they wanted 13.6. Keep in mind these are VERY INVOLVED problems with LOTS OF ROUNDING and it's almost impossible to know how many decimals they kept for each step. hONESTLY I AM SO MAD BECAUSE I LITERALLY AM STRUGGLING FOR A B AND THEY WANNA PULL THIS NONSENSE???? C'MON!!!!


I heard there was a place to complain and here I am
Here goes nothing (oh my goodness this is like Terms and Conditions levels of long, boring and irrelevant, just ignore me)

At our school the senior class always paints a mural of themselves on the gym wall, which is great except suddenly I'm in charge and now suddenly I'm doing everything and spending hours upon hours doing this.
Which is fine, I like artsy stuff, except I also have exam season which means I'm super stressed and then I also have an online class in which I need to finish 3/4 of the work in 5 weeks, and job interviews for gap year programs in a language that I can barely speak in anymore (not to mention getting European bureaucrats to understand that I live on a different continent and can't have the interview in person is also a struggle).
So people say "oh I'll help you with the mural" except I'm this foolish person who wants it to be done, but doesn't have time to do it, but doesn't want it to be done by anyone but me "because other people will do it wrong".

And there's my dilemma.
(That was so therapeutic to just write it all out) (don't read this people it's ridiculous)