forum Hello! What's my nickname for you?
Started by @Fraust

people_alt 56 followers


I'm so bored man
Basically, I don't call everyone by their full username all the time
Usually I think of y'all as some shortening of your user, though if I know your actual name, I'll think of you as that
If we're in a roleplay (and like, only one or with the same characters) I might think of you as your character's name
Anywho, this chat is so you can ask what your nickname is if you care


Hey hey! :D

Oak or Oakley, usually :D
Or Oakey if my brain has a stronk

HA I love xD I hearby announce that Oakey is just as acceptable as Oak or Oakley xDD



I just call you Red :)

pfft xD

My brain likes to shorten "Caustic" to "Cas"

I have a character named Cas lol
It is interesting to me that most people call me Caustic instead of Fraust though
Since Caustic is the adjective for Fraust and all
I don't mind it though since I really don't care lol


Hey hey! :D

Oak or Oakley, usually :D
Or Oakey if my brain has a stronk

HA I love xD I hearby announce that Oakey is just as acceptable as Oak or Oakley xDD

You're just Oakey now then lol
Or Okey


Most people just call me boats, wbu?

Same here :) I don't get to talk to you as often unfortunately, but I see your user around and my brain says ":0 boat"


Most people just call me boats, wbu?

Same here :) I don't get to talk to you as often unfortunately, but I see your user around and my brain says ":0 boat"

We were in a role play 4EVER ago and your name was Robin, so in my head I usually call you either 'Robin' or 'Caustic' when I read your name


Hey hey! :D

Oak or Oakley, usually :D
Or Oakey if my brain has a stronk

HA I love xD I hearby announce that Oakey is just as acceptable as Oak or Oakley xDD

You're just Oakey now then lol
Or Okey

This is in fact, ideal.


Most people just call me boats, wbu?

Same here :) I don't get to talk to you as often unfortunately, but I see your user around and my brain says ":0 boat"

We were in a role play 4EVER ago and your name was Robin, so in my head I usually call you either 'Robin' or 'Caustic' when I read your name

aha I remember when my user was Robin_Jones because he was my only character and I was not creative
And then everyone thought I was a guy for a while lol
was it the plane crash one


Most people just call me boats, wbu?

Same here :) I don't get to talk to you as often unfortunately, but I see your user around and my brain says ":0 boat"

We were in a role play 4EVER ago and your name was Robin, so in my head I usually call you either 'Robin' or 'Caustic' when I read your name

aha I remember when my user was Robin_Jones because he was my only character and I was not creative
And then everyone thought I was a guy for a while lol
was it the plane crash one

no we were like… lost in some magical world because of a ring. And then we were in the one where I rode a dragon with some other guy and you had a crush on some girl name Zoey. That was so long ago, it would make sense if you didn't remember XD


Most people just call me boats, wbu?

Same here :) I don't get to talk to you as often unfortunately, but I see your user around and my brain says ":0 boat"

We were in a role play 4EVER ago and your name was Robin, so in my head I usually call you either 'Robin' or 'Caustic' when I read your name

aha I remember when my user was Robin_Jones because he was my only character and I was not creative
And then everyone thought I was a guy for a while lol
was it the plane crash one

no we were like… lost in some magical world because of a ring. And then we were in the one where I rode a dragon with some other guy and you had a crush on some girl name Zoey. That was so long ago, it would make sense if you didn't remember XD

Oh I do remember that one!! That was like two years ago oof
It died out pretty quick unfortunately, but I'm used to really long lasting rps now aha
(Well, I get abandoned relatively frequently, but I've got a few good ones that have been going on for almost a year even)


attempts to slides in, probably ends up falling on face and me?

Icy! Sometimes just Icefire since it's short enough, but icy :)


attempts to slides in, probably ends up falling on face and me?

Icy! Sometimes just Icefire since it's short enough, but icy :)

Cool! I honestly just think of you as Caustic. Sometimes Caustic Fraust, usually just Caustic lol