forum Hello! What's my nickname for you?
Started by @Fraust

people_alt 56 followers


attempts to slides in, probably ends up falling on face and me?

Icy! Sometimes just Icefire since it's short enough, but icy :)

Cool! I honestly just think of you as Caustic. Sometimes Caustic Fraust, usually just Caustic lol


@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Ok what would I be called?

Either Pato or Potato :)

Pato literally came from me misspelling Potato once so that works

Wait, it did?
I thought it came from the Spanish word for duck


man I feel like we haven’t ever interacted enough for you to have anything to call me, but whenever I see you in chats, my mind calls you either Caus or Caustic

I see you around and generally think of you as Snowy ^^


Do I have a nickname?

Mostly just Galaxy or Galaxy Unicorn ^^ when people have simple enough names I don't always have an actual nickname for them


70% sure I already know what it is, but I would happen to be curious anyhow.

Mostly Nie :)
My brother's name is Zach btw

@Anemone eco

Yeah, you told me lol

I had figured so (wait 'mostly'?). When I see your name I think Maddie. Though before I knew that was your name I thought 'Caustic'.


Yeah, you told me lol

I had figured so (wait 'mostly'?). When I see your name I think Maddie. Though before I knew that was your name I thought 'Caustic'.

Well, when my brain's dead, it kinda goes "Crack" or "Crackpipe" before it remembers Nie lol
It's also kinda confusing because you're Nie and philosophicalmess is Nia and I'm stupid

@Anemone eco

That's kinda funny, but not out of the ordinary.
Ah, don't worry, it tends to confuse me too sometimes lol.
Thanks, Maddie!


That's kinda funny, but not out of the ordinary.
Ah, don't worry, it tends to confuse me too sometimes lol.
Thanks, Maddie!

No problem!