forum Hello!
Started by @Mystic ac_unit

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@Mystic ac_unit

Hi there, I'm Eos. I'm kinda new to this whole site and am just looking for a place to meet new people who share the same interest as me (writing, hopefully). I also noticed there are quite a few roleplay forums, and I've always been curious about trying those out, but I've never had the chance to.

Anyways, thank you for reading this and I hope to get to know you all better!

@Mystic ac_unit

Hey Eos! I'm @StarkSpangledBanner better known as Stark or Maryamigo to closer friends here. I'm always up for an Rp and have a couple going if you want to join!

Nice to meet you, Stark! Good to know I'll have a familiar username to turn to in the roleplay forums.

@Mystic ac_unit

If you have any questions or any concerns, join the chat of rudeness or ask me!

I… I'm a bit confused? Go to the "Chat of Rudeness" if I have questions or concerns??

@saor_illust school

Hey! Welcome Eos! And here, let me clarify. We here have established several chats. From what I assume, and have seen of it, the chat of rudeness is another thread similar to the Your Personal Venting Space (which I recommend you introduce yourself there as well, there's another wonderful community there too, and I think many of the people there are also in the chat or rudeness. Anyways, it's basically just a chat where you can insult people politely or voice concerns about things I think? Anyways Eris can explain better.

Wow I didn't introduce myself after all that? Anyway, I'm Izzy, nice to meet you. Okay, my real name isn't Izzy, but that's what I go by. I love cats and music, (and I play violin in case you were wondering) and I love to rp as well!

@Mystic ac_unit

Oh wow. Thank you so much, Izzy! I'll definitely check out those chats I guess and put my online social interaction to the test xD

Thank you so much for the directions around the forum. It's really nice to meet you too! My real name isn't Eos, so that's understandable. (I also love cats and music ;P)

Glad to know you're also around the roleplay forums!

@saor_illust school

Yeah! You're welcome Eos, anytime! (Yeah that's awesome!!)

And hope to chat more with you soon! (Or at least in other chats or rps where we coincidentally find that the other is also on there as well lol)

@Mystic ac_unit

Heloooo there! I’m Ella, the officially unofficial teenage dork of the site :D

Hi there! Nice to meet you, Ella. I adore my dorky teenage years, so you do you dear :D

@Mystic ac_unit

Yeah! You're welcome Eos, anytime! (Yeah that's awesome!!)

And hope to chat more with you soon! (Or at least in other chats or rps where we coincidentally find that the other is also on there as well lol)

Definitely! I hope to run into you again soon!


Yep. Izzy cleared that up decently! There are multiple chats here that you can post in just to talk to people, share tips and tricks for hobbies like crochet, cooking, art.

The art forum is a pretty bug one along with the WildCard roleplaying. There are tons of people you can talk to and tons of things you ask about. Dont be hesitant to start a new thread to ask or even talk about anything!

@Mystic ac_unit

Can I call you Dawny?

… are you asking me?

Yeah. It was a joke. Sort of. Eos in Greek means dawn.

I know (it's kinda why I chose the username) but I wasn't sure if you were asking me or Stark. Sorry for the confusion! (yes you can call me "Dawny")

@saor_illust school

Also, just to clarify for any of those stalkers lol or any of you guys, yeah, you can call me Dizzy if you'd like. I've already been nicknamed that once before and I'm fine with that. And just because one has been extra creative before, I don't really like the nickname "Issy" that much so please refrain from calling me that please! But as always, Izzy is just fine too. :)