forum GRYFFINDOR IS THE EVIL HOUSE (in my opinion)
Started by @AxolotlWarrior2506

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Personally I think every single Harry potter universe couple doesn't actually make sense, they all feel rushed and underdeveloped like it was put in to be fan service, an after thought, with the exception of like Ginny and Harry, but all the other ones I feel like they're last moment thrown together peaces because the fans wanted romance.


I honestly think that the only couples that were developed were Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione. But even with Romione, it was like 'yes romance' after the Ron got into his first relationship. But that doesn't stop anyone from shipping other ships

@HighPockets group

RonMione is perfect! I liked Ginny and Harry, but also Ginny and Luna! And Neville and Luna!
I guess the only ones I dislike are Harmony (BLECHH!!!!!!), Drarry (I really hate the 'I bully you because I LOVE YOU!!!! trope), and George/Angelina (it makes me very uncomfortable that she's Fred's exe and ends up with his identical twin….)

@HighPockets group

If I want to see it as a romance, it's my choice. And Luna canonically gets together with Rolfe, so technically we both have non-canon ships so I don't see the need to be a prick about it.

@HighPockets group

I have both Lunas and she always has the purest expression on her not-glasses side, she always looks like she's dreaming.
I also have that Ginny, but I swapped some parts around so she's a Mandalorian bounty hunter now (long story) and on her other side she just has the most Done expression lol!


I have both Lunas and she always has the purest expression on her not-glasses side, she always looks like she's dreaming.
I also have that Ginny, but I swapped some parts around so she's a Mandalorian bounty hunter now (long story) and on her other side she just has the most Done expression lol!

i only have 2018 luna ;-;