forum Gremlins on the forums
Started by @andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

people_alt 103 followers


Kinda interesting since I've got a serious roleplay going on and these switcheroos are making it quite something
Like, my character is literally in a mental hospital at the moment, and he's just completely exhausted and hasn't been able to eat or sleep
It's something

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Just wanted to give a quick update to everyone that I've just about cleared all the friends from the system. There's still a couple hiding out, but I should have them all gone and everything back to normal within an hour. Thanks for your patience in these trying times!

Deleted user

Cool cool! Thanks andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)! please consider keeping yiffy-wiffy

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

I think that's the last of them! Thanks for your patience, everyone. I made a deal with the friends and it looks like they've left peacefully, though I did promise that they could come back some other time (maybe… the start of April next year?). They did have some good ideas though, so maybe some (more useful) replacements will come to the forums soon! :)

I hope everyone had fun!

Deleted user

Aw, we’ll miss you, friends. Until next year! Come visit us time to time!

@Pickles group

Unless you have the hamilton book and gave your two best friends color coded scrunchies to be the Schuyler sisters, your problem isn't as bad as mine

I still don't see a problem