forum Gremlins on the forums
Started by @andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

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@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Hey all! Looks like there's some confused friends causing some shenanigans with the forums. I keep telling them they're a bit late for April Fool's Day, but they seem preoccupied with causing mischief. I'll do what I can to get them out and sort things out ASAP; let me know if anyone sees anything weird!

Update 1: Good news and bad news, all.

Good news: I've confirmed it's definitely friends and definitely not just me pretending to be friends, and am currently working on a strategic approach to completely remove them from the site. I expect success sometime tomorrow, and all of their weird word replacements will be back to normal. Sorry about that!

Bad news: They're learning.

Update 2: I'm doing my best controlling all this laughter as I fight off these nasty friends. Making some good progress, but I think they'll probably be around until tonight. Coincidentally, probably around 24 hours after they first showed up.

Update 3: Just wanted to give a quick update to everyone that I've just about cleared all the friends from the system. There's still a couple hiding out, but I should have them all gone and everything back to normal within an hour. Thanks for your patience in these trying times!

Update 4: I think that's the last of them! Thanks for your patience, everyone. I made a deal with the friends and it looks like they've left peacefully, though I did promise that they could come back some other time (maybe… the start of April next year?). They did have some good ideas though, so maybe some (more useful) replacements will come to the forums soon! :)

I hope everyone had fun!

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andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), the writers of this forum site, who are all school aged, want to know what is going on.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

It's happened with the words nuggets, cat, door, bad, ect.
What is this and why is it happening ?????
I mean.. it's funny… but also heccing WEIRD.

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sick, laptop, movie, aware, stairs, lock, toy, toes, fight, computer, coffee