forum Greetings.
Started by Metric

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I'm about to chase that place down, thanks for informing me of it!


Thank you, Nie, Red, and Dom. I like to think it is.

Regrettably, Dom, I refuse to answer any personal questions relating to my identity. It's nothing against you personally, but I'd rather remain anonymous. At least for the time being.

As for my religious/philosophical standing, I'm currently conflicted. I used to be Christian, but my understanding of religion as a whole has evolved to the point that I no longer identify as one. I support too many things that others view as sinful, and because of this, my mother and I were greatly discouraged from showing up at our church. Since then I've been intrigued by tools like tarot cards and I enjoy learning about the different properties of crystals, in addition to ideas like sacred geometry and other "secrets of the universe". Right now I'm searching for what's right for me.

I do enjoy debating. I've had people recommend me to join a debate club in the past, but the thing that holds me back most is how aggressive people become when they're defending something. I'm a bit of a paradox in those regards, in all honesty. I enjoy discussing the different sides of things, but I despise conflict. It mostly depends on how the participants handle themselves, which ties into what Sorrel asked me at the beginning of this thread, about undesirable traits in people.

Deleted user

Metric, it seems to me that you might do well in a well objective area. I'm currently wondering what would happen if you were to debate with one that did not get aggressive, and kept their cool during your questioning. I think it would be something sweet to see, almost. Conflict with out cold feelings, hmm?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Thank you, Nie, Red, and Dom. I like to think it is.

Regrettably, Dom, I refuse to answer any personal questions relating to my identity. It's nothing against you personally, but I'd rather remain anonymous. At least for the time being.

Well that is quite alright. Most of us give away our information eventually, but no one will hold your privacy against you.

As for my religious/philosophical standing, I'm currently conflicted. I used to be Christian, but my understanding of religion as a whole has evolved to the point that I no longer identify as one. I support too many things that others view as sinful, and because of this, my mother and I were greatly discouraged from showing up at our church. Since then I've been intrigued by tools like tarot cards and I enjoy learning about the different properties of crystals, in addition to ideas like sacred geometry and other "secrets of the universe". Right now I'm searching for what's right for me.

That sentence makes me think of what I am discussing with Sorrel about the objectivity of truth.

I do enjoy debating. I've had people recommend me to join a debate club in the past, but the thing that holds me back most is how aggressive people become when they're defending something. I'm a bit of a paradox in those regards, in all honesty. I enjoy discussing the different sides of things, but I despise conflict. It mostly depends on how the participants handle themselves, which ties into what Sorrel asked me at the beginning of this thread, about undesirable traits in people.

I understand completely. I find it quite frustrating how emotion people can get. But I have to remind myself that they can't help it.

@Anemone eco

Yeah. On the topic of aggressive "debating". I remember one debate I took part in (on a different site) had to be stopped because people got too emotional and started verbally attacking each other. It was a hot mess, and quite frankly, annoying, but I suppose that that is what happens when you try to take part in a decent discussion with a twelve-year-old. shrug


I would have to agree with you both. I've participated in civilized debates before, and I love them. Even if you come away from the discussion with the same opinion as before, you'll have gained knowledge about the other side, and perhaps even get a glimpse as to why they believe what they do. If it's done well, there'll be no lingering resentment. A lot of times, you come away respecting the other for remaining so level-headed.

I think if more people could debate objectively, we might come a little closer to understanding each other. People tend to forget that we debate for two primary reasons; to defend and to solve. In the case of the latter, using the example of shootings and gun control, both sides want to find a solution. The only conflict is how to deal with it. Instead, this fact is ignored, and people are left with the impression that their opposition doesn't want to solve the issue in concern.

Deleted user

You're really sensible, Metric, or so I've seen so far. I appreciate that.


Thank you. I, too, see you as very rational people—both of you. I have to admit, it's nice to find others that agree with me. I'm used to people dismissing my ideas, or being called odd for them. Never maliciously—they just don't care to understand.


Of course, you seem a rational person, as well, Nie. I've appreciated each and everyone's contributions to this thread. You've all been very polite and welcoming, so I thank you.

Deleted user

New question: Metric, is it alright if others give you nicknames?


I can think of quite a few.


Some of these may require explanations (my train of thought may be hard to follow on the best of occasions, so…). But I also find out-of-context nicknames hilarious, so I may just decline to give my reasonings and leave them up to the imagination. Besides, found meaning has much more of an impact than given meaning, in my opinion.

Deleted user

Well as for my supposed nicknames, I'm inclined to use Tric or Met. Tricky is interesting, too, and I think it would suffice surprisingly well.


I'm afraid I left this discussion for a couple of days, but it's heartening to see your recommendations! Of the bunch, I think my favorite is Tric, although I quite like Rice and Metro, too. Thank you, Red, Izzy, and Sorrel.