forum Greetings.
Started by Metric

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I'm new here, and rather capricious. Anyone want to talk? You're welcome to ask me anything, although I retain the right to decline.

I'll warn you—I tend not to mince words. You'll get nothing from me except honesty (or perhaps refusal to comment) if you ask my opinion on something.

Deleted user

Salutations, Metric! I'm Sorrel, who would love to talk with you. I'd like to ask you two questions, which are the following : Do you retain high volumes of interesting words, and, what's your least-favorite thing to see in a person? Thanks for seeing this, I hope we make some great memories!


It's nice to establish an acquaintanceship with you, Sorrel. And you as well, boy with earphones.

To answer your questions:

  1. I like to imagine I do. I find words interesting and versatile, so I try and practice using them often. I find myself looking up definitions to confirm what I thought they meant, as well as synonyms with just slightly altered meanings that better fit a situation. My belief is that there is a word, or combination of words, to describe everything.
  2. My least favorite thing to see in a person would have to be close-mindedness. It's hard for me to communicate with a person who insists that the way they see things is the only way, and it deters me from trying to get to know them. That trait make me uncomfortable.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

But how would you define close mindedness? For a mind continually open is a fool's. Yet I say true wisdom is to allow any changes in the mind to occur, yet hold on tightly to all convictions until one can present a case apt enough to dislodge them.


But how would you define close mindedness? For a mind continually open is a fool's. Yet I say true wisdom is to allow any changes in the mind to occur, yet hold on tightly to all convictions until one can present a case apt enough to dislodge them.

You raise a good point. I have to motivation to oppose it, as I very much agree. My definition, then, as based on your earlier statement, would refer to close-mindedness in a way that interferes with personal growth. In other words, a person who is apt to ignoring outside opinions in favor of clinging to what they believe to be true, whether or not that belief is objectively accurate. It's because, as you touched on through mention of wisdom, how are we to learn if we never truly listen? There is a difference between hearing and listening, after all.

And hello to you as well, Izzy. I would enjoy getting to know you in the future, too!

Deleted user

Metric, judging by your reply, you'll be a great person to know. I truly feel the same way about those who completely reject the ideas of others, and so forth. I also really feel interested by your word usages. One smaller, final question. What's your favorite word? I love asking little things like that. Thank you for reading this as well.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

But how would you define close mindedness? For a mind continually open is a fool's. Yet I say true wisdom is to allow any changes in the mind to occur, yet hold on tightly to all convictions until one can present a case apt enough to dislodge them.

You raise a good point. I have to motivation to oppose it, as I very much agree. My definition, then, as based on your earlier statement, would refer to close-mindedness in a way that interferes with personal growth. In other words, a person who is apt to ignoring outside opinions in favor of clinging to what they believe to be true, whether or not that belief is objectively accurate. It's because, as you touched on through mention of wisdom, how are we to learn if we never truly listen? There is a difference between hearing and listening, after all.

Well spoken. My name is Dominic. Most call me Dom. I am glad to have made your acquaintance.


Sorrel, the feeling is mutual. Your questions are genuinely thought provoking and I've enjoyed taking the time to answer them! As for my favorite word, I'm having trouble deciding. It switches often enough that it's difficult to pin down. For a time I believed my favorite word to be 'catharsis', which is a word I learned in an interview featuring an artist I love. The way he described it at the time resonated with me in a way few words had at the time. That being said, I've changed a lot since then. While 'catharsis' is a beautiful word that I love to use as often as I'm able, I'm reluctant to claim it's my favorite. Another word I greatly enjoy using is 'petrichor', although I admit that it's another word I learned from an artist. It's probably worthwhile to mention that a great deal of my vocabulary had been acquired through listening to, or connections to, music. My point, as this is turning into quite the ramble, is that it's impossible for me to choose just one. There's too many factors I'd need to consider, such as definitions, roots, languages, context, interpretation, the way the word rolls off the tongue, the memory or thoughts associated with it. And of course, each one is interesting in their own way. My apologies for dragging on, but I'm rather passionate about words. I'd be happy to discuss them more in depth at another time, if it interests you. I'd be curious to hear your thoughts and, if you have one, favorite word.

Dominic, likewise. You seem to be an interesting soul, and I'd be happy to exchange opinions with you anytime.

Hello, Knight. I am indeed human, or at least, as far as I know. And you? The biography section in your profile may warrant suspicion on the subject.


Not at all, Nie. I appreciate you taking the time to introduce yourself. It's always nice to meet others, regardless of whether the meeting occurs in a virtual space. I, too, look forward to getting to know you.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Dominic, likewise. You seem to be an interesting soul, and I'd be happy to exchange opinions with you anytime.

Thanks! You'll see me around the Debate chat whenever it's running, or the Rudeness chat because fun.


Hello there, Metric. Pleasant to meet you. I'm Ace, but people on here just call me Red because that's easier. I enjoy seeing people being unabashedly passionate about their hobbies and loves. I could never imagine myself being as enamored about words as you are, but seeing you talking with such intensity fills me with second-hand passion.
But I too have a question for you.

Is there any particular reason behind why you chose the online mantle of "Metric"?


Hello, Red. The pleasure's all mine. I'm glad to hear that you've experienced second-hand passion, too! I feel the same when I listen to others explain their interests. The way their eyes light up when they're talking, or the rambling tone set through an excess of words that's probably a result of frantic typing. It's really one of my favorite things to watch for in other people.

Now, as for my "online mantle", as you so eloquently phrased it, it's really just a product of the definition.

If you search up the word 'metric', you would see the standard meaning which corresponds to a system of measurement. However, if you scroll down to the secondary definition, you'll see that it says, "Relating to or composed in a poetic meter," or "the meter of the poem." Which is, as I'm sure you know, relates to the rhythm of a poem.

There's more to it than that, but I'm not confident in my ability to explain it well, and so I'll leave it there. At least for now.

@Anemone eco

Oh. What a lovely reason behind your name. Also, it's totally up to you, but you could make yourself a username so that people can @ you in discussions and PM you easier.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It is pretty sweet. But now I wish to know more abut you. Sex, age and other information I could tell by seeing you in real life. (If you are comfortable sharing such information that is. I would hate to pressure you.) Also what is your religious/philosophical standing? And do you enjoy the sport of arguing, otherwise called debate?

Deleted user

I'm honestly excited by that. Debating is one of my favorite things to do, and philosophical thinking? I do it way too often. Maybe I've found not one, but two new acquaintances here.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Chill. You're on the Debate chat, right? It's great when it gets running. I've made several people annoyed with my unpopular opinions as well Lol. But I enjoy it. And my charisma is good enough that I can take hits like that.