forum Goodnight, My Lovely Guinea Pig
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Deleted user

I didn't know guinea pigs could purr! That's so cool!

Pigs have two different meanings for purrs. Their louder purr is called Rumble Strutting, and it’s mainly in boars (males) to show dominance.
The other is the ‘I’m happy’ purr. It’s more of a happy vibration, much less of a noise.

Deleted user

Yeah. My boys rarely vibrate, mainly because I just had major changes in their caging and environment.

Deleted user

The background’s perfect, thank you. I’ve saved the picture.


Are you okay now?

I know how hard it is to lose a pet, especially a guinea pig. They have a special way of getting to our hearts.
I lost my guinea pig back in March 2017, but my Mum didn't particularly want me to get another one. He looked a lot like your Algernon actually except he was a Himalayan (he hadn't developed a black nose but he had dark ears). His name was Loki (although I was going to originally call him Yeti).
I have a silky chicken now, but it just isn't the same.

Deleted user

Hey there. Yeah, I’m doing a lot better now.

Thanks for understanding. I have two other pigs, though, and I’m not expecting to lose them as soon as I did with Alge. I’m keeping a close eye on the pair and making sure they have what they need to be healthy and somewhat happy (their cage is kinda small for two boars).
He sounds very pretty. How old was he, if you don’t mind me asking?

@HighPockets group

I'm glad you're feeling better, Emi. I feel like a lot of people overlook the impact that losing a pet can cause. If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you.



He was about four months old. His seller said he was born on the 10th of December (3 days after my own), I brought him on the 29th of January and he passed away three months later, on March 17th.
My mum is like yours and doesn't think so small an animal is worth going to the vet, not that it mattered with him. He had like a seizure in the middle of the night and I only held him for a couple of minutes, before he died. I couldn't bear to have another one after that, though I really wish now, that I could. I feel so empty since he's gone, and next march it will be two years.

I'm so happy you have two other guinea pigs. I know from experience, that eases the pain greatly. I wish you all the best with them :)

Deleted user

Oh no. What do you think he had? Mites is what Alge had, which also made him pass away from a seizure. I’m so sorry for you loss.

Damn. Our moms are not very happy about pigs, huh? She was telling me after Alge died, “He was just a rodent!” And laughing when I was nearing tears.


Oh no. What do you think he had? Mites is what Alge had, which also made him pass away from a seizure. I’m so sorry for you loss.

Damn. Our moms are not very happy about pigs, huh? She was telling me after Alge died, “He was just a rodent!” And laughing when I was nearing tears.



I haven't the faintest clue, he had been eating and I had played with him earlier. But when I was going to bed that night, I felt something was wrong and went to his box and he was lying on his side, thrashing around.
One of my sisters was up at the time, but she didn't know what was wrong. I remember sitting on the floor, crying as I held him and my sister hugging me. I didn't talk about it the next day and my mum quietly told me, they had buried him in the garden.

I'm so sorry your mum is like that. My mum doesn't believe is spending lots of money on something so small but she's never been as cruel as that. She understands how much we love them and will comfort us. I think half the reason, she doesn't want us getting them is because she doesn't like seeing us being so upset when they die. We only have one guinea pig now, which belongs to my older sister. It was really hot the other day and the guinea pig was outside in a cage, so my mum brought it under the fan and made sure it had food and water.