forum Goodnight, My Lovely Guinea Pig
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

More update:

Algernon has gotten bloated. He’s stopped eating and he’s drooling. I’m not sure he’ll make it to Thursday. I’m very afraid for him. I’m not ready to say good-bye, especially when we’re this close to getting him better.

Deleted user

Oh, just a few forewarnings, if he does pass away, I probably won’t be on very often. If I am, I won’t respond to certain roleplays. Maybe ones that I like a lot and that have been running for a while. Mainly, though, I’ll be really… pessimistic. I wouldn’t come to me for advice at that time.

Deleted user

He’s gonna pass soon

I tried feeding him and it didn’t work

He won't even respond anymore

Deleted user

Two hours later

At 11:12 PM EST 11/25/18 next to me in my bed

My lovely albino pig passed away.

Seizures snuffed out his lungs and he suffocated.

I’m digging his grave tomorrow

I love him

I’ll miss him so much

Deleted user

Thank you

(Yes I’m still awake)

I don’t want to go to school tomorrow

Deleted user

soft sigh

The other two are doing okay, which is good

That’s all I’m really focused on. Making sure they don’t get what Algernon had.

Deleted user

It’d be cruel if I weren’t. I just want to keep them healthy and happy.