forum Goodnight, My Lovely Guinea Pig
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Deleted user


so a while back i got new guinea pigs right?

Both are male. And one is albino. If you were unaware, albinos tend to be less healthy than their other colored brothers.

Annnd in short my mum thinks he's dying. She doesn’t want to take him to see anyone, nor if he passes let me get another.

I am not handling it well.

I’m pacing, I feel extremely anxious, I feel sad.

I don’t want my pig to pass away.

Deleted user

Emi… you know you could have talked to me about this… I know how it feels to sit and watch as you lose a pet… I’ve seen my cat get murdered infront of my eyes… I’ve watched my sisters dog get killed infront of my own eyes… I lost one pretty recently… remember when I talked about my cat Coal all the time? I saw him get hit by a car… I shut my mouth about it because I was afraid I would break out into tears… no matter what you must know that no matter what happens all animals have hearts and souls like humans… and the most important thing you can do now is love them with all your heart. Make them happy. It’s the best way to show them that you’re there for them… trust me… it will seem bad for you for attachment, but animals attach you either way. You’ll regret not spending time with them.

Deleted user

No, Kylee, I just found out about it. I took him to my mom and she thinks he’s sick. I don’t think he’s sick. He’s not refusing to eat nor drink, which is like the main sign of sickness. His fur is a little patchy but I think that’ll go away with time. His balance is off but he’s not constantly falling over. His eyes and nose are clear. He’s just skinny, but he’s gaining weight!

Deleted user

Okay then. Have you ever noticed him rejecting food? Like he will avoid it? Try going the long way around it?

Deleted user

Nope! I’ve hand fed him hay, he’s drinking a lot (actually he is right now) and he’s fine. I think carrots (what I’ve been feeding him) are too hard for him, so he just lets them go instead of eating. And he’s only a pup, so I understand that.

He’s thin. But I think he’s fine. If not, he has a good few years on him.

Deleted user

Emi… I've had sooo many pets die on me, including a guinea pig… So I can relate… If you ever need anything… I'm here…

Okay Shuri. I’ve had two pigs pass, but they weren’t in my room. The pigs I have are up here, so I’ll be the first to see… if he passes…

And I’m not ready for that day. To peer into their cage and see one…

Deleted user

Emi, anyone who truly loves their pets will alway fear the day to see them die. You will blame yourself… you will try things… but even though you do all of these things, the guilt will follow you. Life is shit, and we can’t control it. If someone’s sick, sure we can try are best, but most of the time we can’t avoid disease, and we sure can’t avoid death.

Deleted user


Algernon (my pig) is not okay. His lack of movement might mean serious brain damage or a stroke. I learned this by reaching out to a Guinea Pig forum, who broke it to me. They said to take him to a vet but my parents are too stubborn to spend money on something like that.

So basically I have to watch him suffer and soon die because my fucking parents are too cheap to take me to a vet for him.

Deleted user

I’m planning to soon. I have no idea where to put him, or how much time he has, and I’m too afraid to ask the Forum in case they crack down on me.

@Shadow_Knight group

I'm sorry Emi. Spend time with him. I really hope that they like misdiagnosed him and he's fine. I held my sisters hamster while she died and it was heart wrenching. And it wasn't even my pet. This reminds me of my dog Daisy. She had a thing where we couldn't let her in the house so she had to be outside. And after 12 years of her being outside she was getting to old and she wasn't going to be able to make it through the next winter. So we put her down. My mom had got Daisy shortly after I was born and we had grown up together. I could often talk to her when I didn't want to talk to anyone else. I remember the next few days being really hard. Out of routine I would go to try to feed her but she wouldn't be there. I'm sorry. I just kinda had to vent. I really hope he gets better and if not you have my love.

Deleted user

Yeah. He’s gotten worse. A lot worse. He’s started limping, and his poop has gotten softer. But it’s coaxed my mom to make an appointment for him. I feel so freaking bad on holding it back. I should’ve tried and convinced my mom to make it earlier.