forum Give the Person above you a compliment!
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 65 followers

Deleted user

(we posted at that the same time, awesome)

( Ikr! lol Gotta love same minute posts on notebook lol)

Deleted user

(Are you calling me a water boi?)
You are awesome!

No That was for Mosis

Deleted user

(Are you calling me a water boi?)
You are awesome!

No That was for Mosis


Deleted user

Smrt water boi

I lOVE Beetlejuceeeeeeeeeeeee

Ah me too dude
He's my hubby~

Deleted user

Since you're a JJBA fan that automatically means that you're awesome and have great taste

Deleted user

I like how blunt and honest about your struggles you are! It's very brave!


(This definitely needs to be brought back. I don't really know who the deleted user was, so I'll compliment the person above.)

Honestly, from the little I've seen from you, you seem like someone I'd love to be friends with. If I wasn't so socially awkward. Lol

@squiddicus language

Honestly MJ you just seem so cool and generally awesome and if I ever met you in real life I'd love to be friends (if I wasn't so scared of Real People™).
You've always been one of the people I most look up to on this website :D