forum Give the Person above you a compliment!
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 65 followers

Deleted user

Idk, I get really good vibes from you and you seem like a good person

(Oof sorry I suck at compliments)

Deleted user

Drawing is a nice hobby or job if it is your job

I don't draw well…

Deleted user

Drawing is a nice hobby or job if it is your job

I'm gonna be honest, I don't really know you, but your poem in your bio is cool.

I like your username and if I'm correct, your art is awesome! If you don't draw, well, you seem like a good person in general!

@furetakunai ac_unit

(Thanks, Rainy!)

For Mosis: you have a nice presence around here, keep it up
And for DIP: You're great at finding the good in others, I doubt you'd be replying to this thread if you couldn't.

Deleted user

And for DIP: You're great at finding the good in others, I doubt you'd be replying to this thread if you couldn't.

You're good at giving advice!