forum Give me a synopsis about your story
Started by @NobleWolf

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As if it were going on the back of a book cover, what would your summary say? What would you put to draw people in? No more than a paragraph or two, please.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It would take too long to make a good one of those but I will try to describe in a quick blurb.
Warriors of Althalos: In the isle of Althalos the dark lord Morlus returns, ready to destroy it. A prophesied warrior must rise up against him, master the elemental powers, and return his soul to the darkness.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Warriors of Althalos ll: Reign of Evil: After the battle with the forces of darkness; Sorace, Aria, Falaun and Siry are forced to be on the move as a crumbling alliance with the elf king results in a bounty on their heads. They must flee from place to place, through many dangers, all the while realizing that another dark force is preparing to rise.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Warriors of Althalos lll: Rise of the Dark Mage: Rogin and Fitzlan accidentally discover one of the lost scrolls of history telling the legend of the dark mage Mensangor. An enemy manages to steal the information and wake the long sleeping adversary. The only hope for survival lies in the hands of one who may already be too deep in darkness.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Twisted: Grace Stevens has become a slave to the man who spared her from the police when she was accused of murder. Now she is forced to be a part of his ring of children that do his illegal work, or risk the death of her family. She and a mysterious boy are given a mission which, if completed properly, might be enough to buy her freedom.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Kirrisano Adiachi wants nothing more than revenge for the murder of his love, Yarri Undama, who was killed by the ruthless dictator Addar, of the Federation System.
Aya Sannami joins the assasin squad, though perhaps she is not who she seems, and her loyalties may be displaced.
Kaiman Kiyaradari will do anything in his power to make the galaxy a better place. But he might be too willing to do anything to achieve his goals.
These three characters all give part to the dizzying narrative that goes from past to present, and delves into secrets that some would rather be hid. All three on their quests of loyalty, the greater good, and revenge.


The Dogs of Ironvale: Desoto had always been a dog of the world. He would never tie himself down to a human, bowing and obeying their every whim, letting his fur and nails be clipped, only going out when they tell him to. No, all he needed was the wind in his fur and the stars over his head-and the rough bunch of strays who had his back.
Caliber had always been a dog of loyalty. She was completely devoted to her master, the one who saved her, who gave her a home and a purpose. The one who treated her like one of his own. She wasn’t like those wild beasts who fought for scraps in the streets, covered in mange and fleas and blood, ailing from a dozen different diseases. She was a proud, hardworking farm dog, and as long as she had her master and her pack, Caliber could do anything.

When these two dogs from different worlds cross paths, the change they bring about will shake their society to its very core.


Wolf Haven: The war between dog and wolf has come to an end, and the dogs of Ironvale can now live in peace. But whatever happened to those wolves? Had they really been to blame for the bloodshed and destruction that claimed so many? A story told from multiple perspectives, the lives of five wolf siblings-Timour, Beryl, Wulfric, Ruben and Aria-will be changed forever as they flee Ironvale back to their ancestral home: Wolf Haven. There they will meet new allies, make new enemies and, just maybe, find where they truly belong.


Islands in the Sky: Jiro Krauss didn’t know what to do with his life. As a werewolf, as a proud member of the werekind, his path should have been clear: protect his allies, defeat his foes, and most importantly, never even think about the great islands that float in the sky far out of anyone’s reach. Those belonged to the humans, who fled there centuries ago when the werekind threatened to wipe them out. That was the one, unspoken rule: werekind and humans could not belong together, on the same earth. That's just how it was. Until he came along. Through a cruel twist of fate, Jiro is left without a home, without a family, and without a purpose. His journey to find who he is will take him to new heights (literally) and the choices he makes could change the world- both worlds -forever.


These are the general descriptions of each of my series, I have yet to plan out individual books. You did a great job on yours though, sounds like something I could read (haven't had a good series in a while).

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I likey very much Islands in the Sky. I would advise for the werewolves have a proper pack mentality. (I saw this on Pinterest once.) By that I mean stressing things like love, loyalty, and revenge. Pretty much the things for a pack of perfect bros.


Wow, you guys have this really thought out. I've just started planning my story out so I haven't gotten far on something like this, but I guess I can give a short description.


My story is called Order of 52 and is about an inter-dimensional organization that polices the dimensions and makes sure they don't cross, merge, take care of threats, etc. The Order finds a new threat that they can't seem to understand, and seems to stem from the Order itself. The main characters: Jack, Miles, Damien, Regina, Ava, and Morrigan have to discover the source of the threat and stop it before it seeps the life out of every dimension.


@Mercedes That sounds really cool! Kinda reminds me of SvtFoE. And don't worry, once you start writing, ideas will start flowing in, usually from nowhere XD

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Wow, you guys have this really thought out. I've just started planning my story out so I haven't gotten far on something like this, but I guess I can give a short description.

Eh, so so. I mean it looks way more put together when it's just a blurb. I have been working on Althalos 1 from Feb. 2014 till now and have revised it more times than I can count.

@HighPockets group

One of mine is about a guy who's working to undermine a government his parents thought was corrupt and he's tasked with hunting down and killing the remaining heir to the throne. He gets more than he bargained for when he starts to fall in love with her, and finds out just who her other friend is…..