forum getting shit off of my chest
Started by @darkeyes

people_alt 7 followers


ranting, venting, complaining, it's all here.
TRIGGER WARNING. things can and will get graphic.
this chat is a safe place for everyone, where we are all free to talk about self harm, shitty family, lgbtq+, complain about being single.. you name it.
be sure to introduce yourself with your preferred name and pronouns (and sexuality if you're comfortable saying so) then you are free to rant/blow off steam. be sure to respond to those who need advise or are going through a tough time!
finally, be kind. you never know what someone is going through and their stance on it. do not, i repeat, DO NOT say that you or others have it worse (even if they do), we all experience things differently.
my name is emily, call me em. i've been looking for gender neutral names as i am genderfluid. my pronouns are they/them or she/her, whichever is fine. i am bisexual and lean towards women (cos they hella hot js). i created this chat because i don't have anyone that i'm comfortable talking to in real life about my issues.
i will try my absolute best to keep up on this chat and respond as often i can, but i am still in school and must focus on that before anything else. hope you understand.
now have at it. don't hesitate to say anything that's on your mind or that has been bothering/hurting you. we're all here for each other.

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Yay, being genderfluid and not out has it's perks. Extreme sarcasm
You get dysphoria for all genders and when everyone asks you "Why the fuck are you wearing a sweatshirt in Florida?" You can't answer, because you're not out!


Sup, I'm Lee. I'm a demiromantic pansexual and am genderfluid. I'm here to offer help, advice, and support, even though I may rant here and there because my current situation is a bit of a shitshow going downhill. 👌


hi lee!
and ugh lex, i feel you. recently i discovered that i'm genderfluid as well, dysphoria fucking sucks. i'm closeted as well, so i'm literally a fucking train wreck.


Hello, I’m Abrie she/her, bisexual. I haven’t been able to get it diagnosed yet, but I think that from 5th grade to 9th grade (at least; I’ll get to that) I had high functioning depression, and a major depressive period in 8th grade. A lot of people tell me that everyone is sad in middle school, but I was suicidal. I wrote a suicide note on the plane during my 8th grade trip. I tried to cut myself using the safety scissors I kept in my bag. I eventually started using a serrated steak knife. I thought about it for a long time. I told myself I wouldn’t ever do it. But then one day I took a sharper pair of scissors and I cut the insides of my thighs. I chose that placement because I didn’t want anyone to see. I think that went on for about a month or so before one day, without thinking, I cut my arm. Not my wrist. My arm. I told one person, my best friend at the time, because she occasionally joked about harming herself in various ways and I wanted to play it off as a petty attempt to get attention. She told her mom, who called my mom, who sat me down and told me never to do it again.

Fast forward from all of that. I’m in 10th grade. I thought that I was finally happy. I confessed to my friend, whom I had a crush on for seven months. He took it fairly well and everything was fine. One day, he was making plans with another, closer friend of his and I told him I didn’t like it when people did that. He just said, “Okay?” With a little laugh. I was upset, so I told him later that night in a text. The next day at lunch, he pulled me aside—outside, actually—and told me he had never been more pissed off, that he in no way considered me a close friend, and that he wanted me to leave him alone. I was so upset, I had to be excused from the rest of my classes. Now, whenever I see him, think about him, or someone talks about him, I get really anxious and freaked out. I’m tense and my heart pounds. I can’t think, and it’s hard to breath. The other night, I had a break down where I started crying and shaking because I think that, despite my best efforts to get over it, I think I have managed to sort of relapse into that old feeling of persistent sadness. I’m tense right now, just typing it out. I don’t know what to do. There is one person I want to talk to: his best friend. But because of the last response I got from trying to talk to someone about all of my emotions that I wasn’t particularly close with, I am very scared. But she is really the only one I really want to talk to. So I don’t know what to do. I’m scared. I don’t want to be sad again. I thought I was happy, but I’m no longer sure.

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Someone else with an undiagnosed mental illness!
Hello! I have undiagnosed schizophrenia, half my friends are apparently figments of my mind


Hi, I'm Jensen, and I'm having a fun time figuring myself out and putting together the pieces of my personality. I think I might be trans. I go by they/them. I also might have bipolar disorder, or bpd, but I'm not sure yet bc I haven't been diagnosed. My life is kind of normal but my depression and anxiety will amplify small things, so expect a lot of ranting about stupid shit lol


don't worry about how long or short your writing is, it's really good to get whatever you can off of your chest. i've also not been diagnosed with any illness, but my therapist (and i) has been seeing signs of severe anxiety, depression, ptsd AND and anorexia so that's fun

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I just don't feel good…
Everything is a blurr and it all hurts, I want it to end I want my life to end, no one would miss me


Of course people would miss you! And I'm not just saying that to make you feel better, it's the truth. And I know what you're feeling right now sucks more than anything, but listen to me, please, just push through this. This isn't going to last forever. It'll get better, and you'll feel better, you'll be okay, just please push through it for a little longer. I don't want anything to happen to you.