forum getting shit off of my chest
Started by @darkeyes

people_alt 7 followers

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I'm in Florida so can't wear long sleeves…
rn I'm just anging my head against the wall as tears go down my face


Where is a good palce to cut where no one will see?

Please don’t harm yourself

its hard not to sometimes

It can be hard, but if you don't fight it now, it only gets harder.


Where is a good palce to cut where no one will see?

Please don’t harm yourself

its hard not to sometimes

It can be hard, but if you don't fight it now, it only gets harder.

i know. but its so addictive. i got to being 3+ months clean then relapsed and ruined all of my progress


a bit of a tangent… i am not promoting self harm. i could never. it does no good, and is a horrible coping method that is hard to get out of. i am not proud of what i do to myself, but at least i can help others who are going through the same thing as me. do not cut yourself. please. i cant stop you from whatever you are going to do to yourself, but know that those scars will be engraved on your body forever. they are permanent.. and if you are going to self harm, do it somewhere that doesn't scar easily, and don't cut too deep.


Hi every one, and in complete contrast to my user name my name is Gina you can call me by that or my user name , to literally every one I appear to be the most normal happy weirdo ever, there are the upsides, I get along pretty well with most everyone, and I don't have family issues or anything which I am so thankful for, but on the down side no one takes me seriously. When I talk about things that genuinely bug me, for example I have several symptoms of Agoraphobia, for those of you who have no idea what this is essentially it is the fear of being trapped or unable to escape a situation, this includes the fear of wide open spaces, waiting in lines, or any place where you wont easily be able to get away. People tend to brush this off as a, How could you a young vibrant bundle of inexperience and youth have a very serious terrible mental illness, or, oh you're just faking, or, why would you be scared both legs are on the ground (One of my "triggers" Is heights) often I have people make fun of me for not being able to go places by myself, I can't tell my parent or any adult really because I'm terrified to because I'm afraid there just going to laugh me off as just another troubled youth going through a phase (Even though I've had these syndromes from a very very young age, 5). It's hard to do every day things like get to my classes on the second floor, I can't get school lunches because the line terrifies me and no one will come with me. And unfortunately I have no idea how to get help, the only person I even got close to telling about this turned out to be a jerk, It's been getting worse to where I avoid leaving the house if at all possible its bad and No one will take me seriously. In all honesty I'm shaking typing this out because I'm genuinely afraid someone is going to tell me its stupid.


Hi every one, and in complete contrast to my user name my name is Gina you can call me by that or my user name , to literally every one I appear to be the most normal happy weirdo ever, there are the upsides, I get along pretty well with most everyone, and I don't have family issues or anything which I am so thankful for, but on the down side no one takes me seriously. When I talk about things that genuinely bug me, for example I have several symptoms of Agoraphobia, for those of you who have no idea what this is essentially it is the fear of being trapped or unable to escape a situation, this includes the fear of wide open spaces, waiting in lines, or any place where you wont easily be able to get away. People tend to brush this off as a, How could you a young vibrant bundle of inexperience and youth have a very serious terrible mental illness, or, oh you're just faking, or, why would you be scared both legs are on the ground (One of my "triggers" Is heights) often I have people make fun of me for not being able to go places by myself, I can't tell my parent or any adult really because I'm terrified to because I'm afraid there just going to laugh me off as just another troubled youth going through a phase (Even though I've had these syndromes from a very very young age, 5). It's hard to do every day things like get to my classes on the second floor, I can't get school lunches because the line terrifies me and no one will come with me. And unfortunately I have no idea how to get help, the only person I even got close to telling about this turned out to be a jerk, It's been getting worse to where I avoid leaving the house if at all possible its bad and No one will take me seriously. In all honesty I'm shaking typing this out because I'm genuinely afraid someone is going to tell me its stupid.

it would be really good to go to a therapist or counselor about this. you have the ability to find one online and email them about your agoraphobia if you're uncomfortable with talking to your parents/guardians about it. dont feel the need to talk to peers about it, it's your personal business and you have a right to or not to tell someone about that. talk to somebody who knows you well and someone that you trust to listen to you and not think negatively of your phobia.


Wow… I'm sorry I'm late… Call me Shuri! My real name isn't important, the less personified I am to all of you, the better…

People call me Helper-senpai, because I make sure everyone is OK and give advice. Cis-male, questionably straight. If you need help, I'm here to make sure you get a lot of good, quality help, at any cost to myself, seriously…


Where is a good palce to cut where no one will see?

Lex, please darling, don't cut yourself, I know you think you can distract yourself from the psychological pain ypu feel, but I've been in enough physical pain to know that it doesn't work at all… Please trust me, I'm your friend, and you are my friend. Speak with a professional about this… You're a good person…


Hello, I am Fuzzy. You know what, call me Nick, or Annika, or Chameleon, or Confuzzled, or that one annoying chick. I'm ace and demiromantic. Life sucks. I prefer she/her pronouns, but if you want to call me "they", go ahead. There's no reason to, but why not?