forum ****Fun Fact Time**** Warning: Intellectuals Only****
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@Mojack group

Security camera feeds aren't always watched.

So, you know.. If you wanna.. you know, pull a tricky on em

You're saying we stream porn on security camera feeds?



I made a thing about the Tumblr exodus, and things derailed from there. I apologize.

On a (thankfully) unrelated note, did you know that Unfrosted Pop Tarts are factually better, and those who don't enjoy them have a higher tolerance for sugar than I do?

@Mercury Beta Tester

Shakespeare invented the word 'swag', and the phrase 'in a pickle'.

Some other phrases where you're actually quoting Shakespeare:

  • Break the ice (The Taming of the Shrew)
  • Cold comfort (The Taming of the Shrew & King John)
  • Brave new world (The Tempest)
  • Good riddance (Trolius and Cressida)
  • Jealousy is the green eyed monster (Othello)
  • Heart of gold (Henry V)
  • Knock knock! Who’s there? (Macbeth)

Now go and impress your friends and English teacher and become the best bard in town!

@HighPockets group

Shakespeare invented the word 'swag', and the phrase 'in a pickle'.

Some other phrases where you're actually quoting Shakespeare:

  • Break the ice (The Taming of the Shrew)
  • Cold comfort (The Taming of the Shrew & King John)
  • Brave new world (The Tempest)
  • Good riddance (Trolius and Cressida)
  • Jealousy is the green eyed monster (Othello)
  • Heart of gold (Henry V)
  • Knock knock! Who’s there? (Macbeth)

Now go and impress your friends and English teacher and become the best bard in town!

And he invented 'Yo mom' jokes.
See Titus Andronicous.

Deleted user

I mean I'm by no means a pure dude… But isn't this site supposed to be pure?

Hell no. I remember coming across an old chat where someone was asking for people's opinions on suicide and 80% of the replies were along the lines of "people who commit suicide are just angels that want to be free" (obviously bs). Which is perfectly fine to say on a site with a bunch of depressed teenagers.


I mean I'm by no means a pure dude… But isn't this site supposed to be pure?

Hell no. I remember coming across an old chat where someone was asking for people's opinions on suicide and 80% of the replies were along the lines of "people who commit suicide are just angels that want to be free" (obviously bs). Which is perfectly fine to say on a site with a bunch of depressed teenagers.

I mean there are lots of sheltered kids on here… Once on the LGBTQ+ Chat I jokingly referenced "Page 69" and one of the users didn't get it and freaked out about it… They aren't big on doing the sex here…


I mean I'm by no means a pure dude… But isn't this site supposed to be pure?

Hell no. I remember coming across an old chat where someone was asking for people's opinions on suicide and 80% of the replies were along the lines of "people who commit suicide are just angels that want to be free" (obviously bs). Which is perfectly fine to say on a site with a bunch of depressed teenagers.

I mean there are lots of sheltered kids on here… Once on the LGBTQ+ Chat I jokingly referenced "Page 69" and one of the users didn't get it and freaked out about it… They aren't big on doing the sex here…

Poor, unfortunate souls.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I mean I'm by no means a pure dude… But isn't this site supposed to be pure?

Hell no. I remember coming across an old chat where someone was asking for people's opinions on suicide and 80% of the replies were along the lines of "people who commit suicide are just angels that want to be free" (obviously bs). Which is perfectly fine to say on a site with a bunch of depressed teenagers.

I mean there are lots of sheltered kids on here… Once on the LGBTQ+ Chat I jokingly referenced "Page 69" and one of the users didn't get it and freaked out about it… They aren't big on doing the sex here…

Poor, unfortunate souls.

I don’t like that stuff. But I think as long as there is an easy to see warning it should be pretty easy to deal with.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Shakespeare invented the word 'swag', and the phrase 'in a pickle'.

Some other phrases where you're actually quoting Shakespeare:

  • Break the ice (The Taming of the Shrew)
  • Cold comfort (The Taming of the Shrew & King John)
  • Brave new world (The Tempest)
  • Good riddance (Trolius and Cressida)
  • Jealousy is the green eyed monster (Othello)
  • Heart of gold (Henry V)
  • Knock knock! Who’s there? (Macbeth)

Now go and impress your friends and English teacher and become the best bard in town!

And he invented 'Yo mom' jokes.
See Titus Andronicous.

Though to be fair, it is not certain if the Bard actually wrote Titus A. It isn’t exactly his style so it’s kind of disputed. But, as Red from Overly Sarcastic Productions says, we all have that first work we’re ashamed of.

Deleted user

The phrase 'heart of gold' is actually rooted in alchemy, where gold represents the heart, silver the soul, and crystal the mind. This is why the remakes of Pokemon gold and silver are called soul silver and heart gold


Hey guys! Just so you know we're over Europe and they apparently have policies that let us be on the phone occasionally! So hey!

Have a good time! I'll keep this thread alive for you.

@Mercury Beta Tester

Did you know that Bowser is a loving father that only wants the best for his one (out of eight) children?

Bowser Jr. is Bowser's only biological child, the rest are adopted.

It has also been confirmed who Bowser Jr.'s mother is..
It is not:

  • Princess Peach
  • Princess Rosalina
  • Princess Daisy
  • Luigi

It is…

But wait! I have additional information but you must not see the spoiler before watching the video in the previous spoiler.

@HighPockets group

Shakespeare invented the word 'swag', and the phrase 'in a pickle'.

Some other phrases where you're actually quoting Shakespeare:

  • Break the ice (The Taming of the Shrew)
  • Cold comfort (The Taming of the Shrew & King John)
  • Brave new world (The Tempest)
  • Good riddance (Trolius and Cressida)
  • Jealousy is the green eyed monster (Othello)
  • Heart of gold (Henry V)
  • Knock knock! Who’s there? (Macbeth)

Now go and impress your friends and English teacher and become the best bard in town!

And he invented 'Yo mom' jokes.
See Titus Andronicous.

Though to be fair, it is not certain if the Bard actually wrote Titus A. It isn’t exactly his style so it’s kind of disputed. But, as Red from Overly Sarcastic Productions says, we all have that first work we’re ashamed of.

Oooh, I love OSP!!!!