forum ****Fun Fact Time**** Warning: Intellectuals Only****
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Deleted user

In German, the word for anime is "get some sunlight, Jesus Christ."


This is actually the reason why he has to leave his nephews with Uncle Scrooge, he goes fight in a war with the Navy.


Carrots are actually menacing evil creatures that lure you into eating them with their pretty orange colors, then once you eat them they take control of your brain and render you incapable of feeling love. In short, carrots are evil and will destroy your ships.

@Mercury Beta Tester

And even when it started it wasn't like it is today. Not all of the current boards were around and the forum was mostly dead until lots of people came from Tumblr and Pintrest.


And with the porn exodus, things are going to get a lot more interesting around the Internet in about two short days.

Deleted user

If we get porn bots here on Notebook you can bet money that my asexual self is gonna be pretty pissed off….

Hopefully andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) will do his best to moderate the forums and make sure nothing too obscene is posted


Security camera feeds aren't always watched.

So, you know.. If you wanna.. you know, pull a tricky on em

You're saying we stream porn on security camera feeds?