forum Fun fact: started out as "Indent App". Here's what it looked like:
Started by @andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

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@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

This is an archive of what "Indent App" (eventually known as looked like when it hit the Internet for the very first time in 2015. I built it for myself and my own stories so I wasn't really concerned with making it look pretty, and didn't have nearly as many pages or features as we have now. Also, I thought the name was absolutely brilliant.

Get it? Indent? Before you write? Like… hitting tab before you write? But… you also have to worldbuild… before you write…?


@TeamMezzo group

I get it! No need for crickets… I'll admit I chuckled a bit to myself(not very loud, cuz I don't wanna wake up the sleeping five-year-old tornado that I'm babysitting and don't wanna deal with).

Deleted user

This is when I realized, this is the joke I made an hour ago and yet I still laughed…
I get it!