forum Fork Cult hey can this die, please, thanks.
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

Cool! What happened on that ep? I don't remember…

Deleted user

Hmmm… Interesting… Maybe they're in a carriage?

Deleted user

Their dad came back and he's like "dank u my kids are behaved now."

Deleted user

Is this when the the younger prince has to learn basic school stuff?

Deleted user

I laughed so much on that episode!! XD it was hilarious!

Deleted user

Commonly used as a name, with the meaning "Leo is Hard Headed".

Deleted user

Yep! 😆
Like, I don't even know how he didn't learn a single thing even if he escapes all his teachers! How did he not now basic arithmetic!!?? (Sounds like me …)

Deleted user

Yup, me tooo….
I cant even do a functionn!!
ahhhhhhhhhhh i hate myself for math and i hate math

Deleted user

Well, I can understand that we should learn basic math, but if you find it hards to learn higher levels then why do the teachers act like we're idiots when we're at least (sorta) trying?! Like, you could be good at all your subjects, but if you struggle with math!!?? You're an idiot!


Deleted user

(My English teacher would cry over my English in that paragraph^. But I'm too tired to be a good student right now…)

Deleted user


Deleted user

MY THINK THE SAME THING!!!! I GET A's in almost all my classes but I got a C+ in math???!!! I must be stupid! -_- no mom, math sucks…

Deleted user

Really, because I was suppose to learn statistics for math in my grade level, but my school is soooo undereducated in math since all the good Math teachers quit their jobs there (PRINCIPAL!) its been getting worse and now we are learning order of operations by a science teacher who is not even certified to teach math and my parents think I'm stupid and there we go.

Deleted user

Wow, that stinks to the extreme! O-o it really is the teachers fault this time!!!

Deleted user

goshh your parents need to get their heads straight, it's the friking techers.

Deleted user

O.o okay? Are you into gaming genre animes?