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people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

Anime is like bacon or chocolate …one cannot live without it! (Sorry to the vegans and veggitarians XD)

Deleted user

If you keep up the good work you will soon evolve into the rank of otaku!

Deleted user

Me and him finished season one of MHA but the internet started buffering so we gave up.
he loves it. he says his favorite character is Tsuyu
Image result for tsuyu gif

Deleted user

Awesome! So what other anime do you think y'all might watch?

Deleted user

idk suggestions on non-sexual animes other than naruto?

Deleted user

Drops my anime merch


Deleted user

It's hard to find a non-sexual anime. Or at least one without some boob jokes or funny but <(OoO)> scenes. And most of the non-sexual ones I know aren't really action packed or that interesting. More of a fluff anime.

Deleted user

what are some anime you watch? im kay with boob jokes and such, i dont have to watch them with my brother

Deleted user

Okay, so these are the "most likely to not have sexual content" animes. I usually watch an anime before letting my sibling watch in "just in case" because even if the rating say "no fan-service or sexual innuendos" you can never be sure exactly. Anime is targeted more for older teens.

So here is a few animes that either me or rating say are okay. But you might want to look more into then just on case. Because I haven't watched every anime possible.

:Little Witch Academia
:Attack on Titan (abit bloody)
:Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood ( it has the older version too, just Fullmetal Alchemist)
:Your Lie in April (prepare for the feels)
:Kimi ni Todoke (more of an easy going anime)
:The Royal Tutor (really cute and funny. But a couple of times they make one of the brothers seem so "beautiful" (on purpose, BC their hot) but your brother could feel a little weirded by how feminine he acts at the moment. And another scene( to hard to explain), but it would be best to at least watch just the first episode, since thats what held the most "questionable" stuff, but the anime is hilarious!)

**Okay! This is all what I have so far! And I hope this helps! **

Deleted user

*Ehh, more like this. He's basicly saying how fabulous he is

I just remember another scene where he implied something and the teacher swirls out of his chair and drop kicks him in the face. So it might be best for to watch the first episode just to check it out and see if it meets to your standards..

Deleted user

One of my favorite parts. This teacher is about 30 but he looks like a 12 year old XD. And he's very serious all the time.

Deleted user

Wat the heck happened to my discussion.

we have more stalkerrrs

Deleted user

Well I'm not a stalker so I don't know who you are talking about.?….

Deleted user

i'll check it out when my brother isn't over my shoulder, demanding to watch MHA.