forum Fork Cult hey can this die, please, thanks.
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

I'm still figuring it out, and nothing makes sense with what im dealing with.

Deleted user

Honestly, I'm not someone to ask about math, only writing. I'm a terrible mathematician.

Deleted user

ye. I'm still going to study throughout the summer. Trying to figure out what math is.

Anyway, lets stop talking about math, MHA is depressing rn.

Deleted user

Ok. So um write more ya BE INNOVATIVE AND AMAZIN

Deleted user

Yeah. My second one.
My Hero Academia.
first was Digimon, lol

Deleted user

Well as a fellow middle schooler I tell you to watch more, to make sure you don't become a common white girl. xD

Deleted user


ok, this is awesome.
I'm on ep2, an this intro tho!! I couldn't see it last time because it was buffering and i didn't have the split screen system i have rn, lol.

Deleted user

It is. The new games are even worse. Sigh Nintendo, Nintendo Shakes head

Deleted user

Don't play a new one. If you can, play Pokemon Black/ White.

Deleted user

I dont have a ds, or wii u, or switch.
I just have a normal wii and a ps4