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Deleted user

I can help! I love writing action! If you'd like, I can share a little scene from something I wrote that's AcTION PACKED

Deleted user

Of course, it's in my words, and I'm just helping ^~^ And I will absolutely explain (and accept criticism)

Deleted user


(I'm good with magic systems and complicated dynamics, if u need help with that in the future.)

Deleted user

OKAY! So It's called The Hitman's Intentions And the main character is somoene i'm eventually going to add to my character list. His name's Cameron, and he's a hot peperoini hitman

ALrightyyyyy Right beloooowww

Cyan wanted the death to be loud, clean but brutal, and the best part: public. Cameron wanted to stretch out before he had to set up; so he started running across the concrete platform enjoying the smooth pumping motions in his thighs, his heart beating to continue supplying oxygen to his toned body, and of course the force of the ground hitting the bottoms of his feet. He enjoyed his speed and strength more than he ever has before, leaping over the gaps in between the buildings with apparent ease, inhaling breaths of air into his new lungs. The smell of gasoline brought him back to the present, however. He stopped dead; this was the building that he would (illegally) kill his first victim in over ten years. He recognized this with a wide smile. This was exhilarating! He could feel the blood pounding in his ears as he unclipped his rifle from his chest, and set up. Putting the bullets in, cocking the gun, and aiming for the area the car of the mayor will roll under in approximately ten minutes. People of the town crowded around chanting, “Change this town! Rid the crime! Come Mayor Pine, change us all into noblemen!”
Ten exhilarating minutes passed, and by the screams of the crowd, the mayor was approaching. His car eventually came into view. Cameron aimed over the heads of the people and Mayor Pine’s beautiful wife and held his breath. Cameron calmed his beating heart and pulled the trigger. The bullet glided through the air silently and quickly, piercing the Mayor on the side of his head, cracking the skull, through the brain, and out the other side. The poor people to the right of the Mayor got sprayed in his brains.
Cameron scrambled up, keeping himself from laughing at the people’s reaction. The people to the left of the now dead Mayor were screaming and looking around, signaling to Cameron to flee. Fast. The fleeting mirth of adrenaline encharging. Killing felt good. Cameron, for one, had forgotten how good it felt. He smiled down at the screaming people, the dead Mayor (the symbol of change), his screaming, gorgeous wife, and the scarred teens and children Cameron could see in the crowd.

Deleted user

I'm a very young writer (in high school) and I think dis is purty good if I say so myself

Deleted user

Hunny we have 11-year-olds on here. I'm in middle school. We're all over the place on this site.
That was great! Just mine is a multi-pov first person, urban fantasy story with swords and daggers and such.
I liked it, and i'll see what i can get from it to help. Mines a little more fast-paced, but that's fine.

Deleted user

(OH Dude, I'm going into High school next year, I'm actually just in 8th grade lol) Thank you! I really hope that helped, and plus, action, from my experience, only depends on BUILDUP. As I did with Mr. Cameroooini you can see that I built up with describing the area and his body (wiggles thine eyebrows)

Deleted user

(I"m going into 8th, lol. Build up is a good way to do it. Thank you.
But rn im distracted with my first anime sooo)

Deleted user


Deleted user

WHEN DID YOU TAKE ALGEBRA????!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!! 6th GRSADE

Deleted user

I just got thrown into it honestly. I did take algebra in sixth and fifth grade though

Deleted user

Umm, homeschool and Kahn academy to help figure out the nonsense my textbook is jabbering about.

Deleted user

(xD holy mother of caesar's ghost! I'm taking pre-calc this upcoming year! what kind of school do you go to?! Genius Academy?)



Deleted user

Khan Academy didn't work for our students. Kinda weird to know that it actually works

Deleted user

Also @RedEeveestar I like you. ^~^

I dunno if that's weird or not.

Deleted user

My brother, who's going into fourth grade, can do functions.

I can't even do that, and im taking precalculus.

Deleted user

That's a huge rift. God, my Math teacher stresses on how important functions are.