forum Fork Cult hey can this die, please, thanks.
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user


Deleted user

-_- i've been busted
im not new Bisquio

Yes you are! We both are!!!

Deleted user

Its sooo you, just stop it.

what are u talking about, i've stopped.

Deleted user

i just made a Bnha board (note i haven't been on Pinterest in a long time because of triggered feminists) and it already has three followers, wth? I have 85 FOLLOWERS???????? last time i was on, i had 52 wth?????? ? ?? ?

Deleted user

one moment, im going to have a mental breakdown in the corner

Deleted user

confused on how im so friking popular on pinterest

Deleted user

FAKER! Thats enough time to switch accounts. Personal experience, buddy, you should know this.

Deleted user

FAKER! Thats enough time to switch accounts. Personal experience, buddy, you should know this.

Deleted user

Laffette, are you accusing me of being Bisquio????????