forum Fork Cult hey can this die, please, thanks.
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

(O-O )/ can't we just all get along? We're in this cult together! :)

Deleted user

I am the blessed creator of the Fork Cult, and will never leave.

WEEEEEE I WAnna ripit my dad has em

excuse me M&M?


go to the end of page 13

Oh, so are you challenging me

i made the fork cult, i founded it -__-

So are you telling me you want the thing that I find is the only thing I should live for.

no, i'm just the founder, you are the leader im just clearing things up

So what's the point of this conversation? I totally understand you funded the cult.

ok we're good now.

Deleted user

Hello - what is le fork cult?


I am Fork Satan and Connie is the FOunder, and together we (and Anime I guess) created the Fork Cult where we all bless our Forks for their good deeds.

Deleted user

Okay. I am now frien. But I must go to bed.

Good night. Don't forget to say your prayers to the Forks.

Deleted user

I found an accurate picture of M&M as the Fork Satan.

Deleted user

we have regular forks
Image result for fork
werd forks
Related image
staby stabby forks
Image result for fork
slighty bigger staby forks
Image result for pitchfork
and god forks
Image result for big fork

Deleted user

Connie, you forgot-


Deleted user

So what now? Should we infiltrate more chats and make more friens?

Deleted user

Ok so what big chats are you part of? Are either of you in Ignore? Cuz that's the hotspot.

Deleted user

i am! but dirkidir is drowning and everyone's offline

Deleted user

(Oh great! MORE UPSELLING) Night Anime! Don't forget to say yer prayers to the Forks.

Deleted user

Goodnight fellow followers! And goodnight,um, Satan???