forum Fork Cult hey can this die, please, thanks.
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

No im too lazy to do that

just cryin cuz no one visits me in Fork Heck. ;u;

Deleted user

drops down
hey my forking buddy i forking missed you up der come with me fork stan

Deleted user

Throws hands up

EYYYY You look so young!!

Ok I'll come up with you but what about the non-forking humans?

Deleted user

Dying sounds boring and it also sounds like it requires paperwork, of which I do not want.

Deleted user

(y'all are typing way too fast for me to catch up XD)

Deleted user

Also Americans are annoying. Like that. ^

Like the 'murica part? That's why I put it in XD. Some Americans are way tooooo "patriotic" in an annoying way!

Deleted user

Also Americans are annoying. Like that. ^

Like the 'murica part? That's why I put it in XD. Some Americans are way tooooo "patriotic" in an annoying way!

Yeeeppp. Really freaking irritating.

Deleted user

same boi

eat our dust animeee

No thanks, I like food better

Deleted user

Ehh?? I can't hear you over my munching of this delicious food~

Deleted user

Ok but anyway the non-fork humans can't die it's too much work for Fork Satan.

Deleted user

Why the fork would I invest myself into someone like that?

Deleted user

Next you're gonna ask if there's a SPOON Satan like no

Deleted user

I'm telling non-fork humans about our cult so we can have more children