forum Food for Your Brain!
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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First we must ask, what makes a sandwich a sandwich. Is it because there are two slices of bread on top and bottom or does something else make it a sandwich? I'd say a hotdog is a sandwich because it is in a bun. Unless you eat it without one.


Now Ella, I think you might be onto something with your hot dog/taco idea…. traditionally beef, but occasionally other meats, covered on three sides by some type of grain, topped with a form of onion, a form of tomato, and sometimes cheese. Not to mention they're both street food.


First we must ask, what makes a sandwich a sandwich. Is it because there are two slices of bread on top and bottom or does something else make it a sandwich? I'd say a hotdog is a sandwich because it is in a bun. Unless you eat it without one.

Well for our answer, we must only turn our heads to the history of the sandwich:
Invented when the Earl of Sandwich needed an easily portable dinner for multiple people on a hunting trip, and his cook came up with the genious idea of putting all the traditional seperate parts of a dinner into one food - meat, cheese, bread, greens, and a sauce of some sort. But not only did she brilliantly combine all these components, she did it in a way that ensured nothing fell out on a long trip by trapping the loose parts between the bread.
And so, a taco or a hot-dog are NOT a sandwich, because they do not contain all the traditional parts of a dinner in the area they originated from, however they are also cased in a way to keep all the ingredients in, but honestly, so is a sausage, so are we just gonna up and say that sausage links are sandwiches?
The Mexican food equivalent of the sandwich, by the way, would be the burrito.


In other words, a hot dog is to a taco as a sandwich is to a burrito, but a hot dog is not a sandwich.
At least the way I see it.


First we must ask, what makes a sandwich a sandwich. Is it because there are two slices of bread on top and bottom or does something else make it a sandwich? I'd say a hotdog is a sandwich because it is in a bun. Unless you eat it without one.

Well for our answer, we must only turn our heads to the history of the sandwich:
Invented when the Earl of Sandwich needed an easily portable dinner for multiple people on a hunting trip, and his cook came up with the genious idea of putting all the traditional seperate parts of a dinner into one food - meat, cheese, bread, greens, and a sauce of some sort. But not only did she brilliantly combine all these components, she did it in a way that ensured nothing fell out on a long trip by trapping the loose parts between the bread.
And so, a taco or a hot-dog are NOT a sandwich, because they do not contain all the traditional parts of a dinner in the area they originated from, however they are also cased in a way to keep all the ingredients in, but honestly, so is a sausage, so are we just gonna up and say that sausage links are sandwiches?
The Mexican food equivalent of the sandwich, by the way, would be the burrito.

Well sausage isn't in between two slices of bread. It if were, I'd call it a sandwich. Heck, you could put a pickle in between two slices of bread and I'd call it a sandwich.


The fights we had last year about this were intense. Then we raised other questions like is a sub a hotdog or a cupcake a muffin. It was all our math teacher's fault cuz she asked the class and the class then spread it to the rest of us.