forum Food for Your Brain!
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Like Eastern vs. Western? I've always found it as interesting to view how the cultures view dragons as being how the cultures have historically viewed other cultures. Ancient European countries always depicted dragons being slain, as savage beasts that needed to be put in their place, much like how they viewed all the cultures they imperialized. Ancient Asian countries always depicted dragons as being wise, things to learn from. And much like that, ancient Asian countries were pretty harmonious with those around them. There was really only ever infighting until pretty recently in relative history.


Like Eastern vs. Western? I've always found it as interesting to view how the cultures view dragons as being how the cultures have historically viewed other cultures. Ancient European countries always depicted dragons being slain, as savage beasts that needed to be put in their place, much like how they viewed all the cultures they imperialized. Ancient Asian countries always depicted dragons as being wise, things to learn from. And much like that, ancient Asian countries were pretty harmonious with those around them. There was really only ever infighting until pretty recently in relative history.

Well this is no fun. I 100% agree. Yeah. Eastern versus Western.


If it's on the menu is a sandwich, I guess it's sandwich. Honestly I don't really care, and I don't really think it's a complete sandwich oh, hell maybe it isn't even one at all probably not. Either way.