forum Favorite Sentence(s) You've Written?
Started by Emily

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Short, cryptic sentences can serve as very interesting writing prompts. I'd love to hear some of your favorite pieces of your story (/stories) if your willing to share! It could be a description or some dialogue or just a string of words you like. ;)

My most recent favorite cryptic piece of text is thus:
The six of us were the only survivors that night.

@HighPockets group

“So, you might not have noticed since you’ve suddenly decided to arrive now, but my entire life is in shambles, my makeshift family was just betrayed and the lead went off his rocker and killed a twelve year old kid, my only friends are either dead or in jail, and I’ve just been shot and left in a ditch. For a short answer, currently I am not interested in raising two kids when I’m only two years older than one of them!”

Deleted user

(I know this isn't 'sentence' but I love this part!)

Before I knew it, all I could see was white. The hard snow pushed me back to the ground until I could not move. I was on my knees, the snow hit me like sharp ice, and breathing became difficult. I felt something push me to my side, then I felt my sword jerk.

‘There trying to take it!’ I screamed in my head. ‘My precious! It’s my sword! Your kind already has three other gems! They’re trying to put it in their pocketsess!’

I lifted my foot to kick the hand away from my sword when suddenly a red light appeared in the sky, it gave off a wave of heat. The snowstorm died down quickly, and there I saw a large band of Thanafal soldiers armed with flamethrowers and swords and rock guitars.

‘Thank goodness.’ I breathed a sigh of relief. I then pause for a moment pondering, ‘…but what are the guitars for?’

The assassins quickly surrounded me, it seemed that they were either protecting me or just the sword. The leading assassin pulled out his katana, it looked thicker than any usual katana, and a silver-blue hue shone from the blade, and before you could say pizza-unicorn, he had two katanas. The other Blizzards quickly did the same.

“pizza-unicorn,” whispered the Blizzards simultaneously, as their cloaks whipped around them in supreme awesomeness..

‘What tha-,’ my thought was cut short as a guitar crashed into my head, it's broken strings playing a sad melody.


This is part of a collection of poems I wrote when I was depressed:

The world is against me
Extending forth no pity
Until I lash out wrathfully,
And banish all serenity.


Hm… well I actually haven't really WRITTEN anything recently, but here's something that's not necessarily my favorite but still something I like:

"Prince Alab of Alab-Alabi arrived with his entourage of princesses that he had rescued throughout seeking his fortune, not quite decided on which he wanted to marry yet; he might as well rescue all the princesses available before making such a life-changing decision."

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

It never used to be like this. All of this destruction, in a broken world, and it was because of me. I couldn't keep myself locked up any longer, and I had destroyed what had made me the monster that I was. I had freed myself from the clutches of the people that had told me that I was nothing, and their lives now were in my hands. All I had to do was destroy this forsaken planet…


I wrote this as the first 2 paragraphs of an attempted novel:

I watched them slowly walk away from me, seemingly unaware of my screaming presence behind them. The woman, cropped hair swirling around her shoulders, tried to glance back, but she seemed to reconsider at the last moment. The man by her side, tall and broad-shouldered, didn’t slow his pace as they turned the corner, disappearing behind a grimy brick wall and into the darkness beyond…
Screeching, I tried to run after them, knowing that they were important but not knowing why. I was restrained by something cold, and looking down, I saw chains encircling my bony wrists, binding me to the doorway I was sheltered in. As I watched, the chains began to twist and writhe, slowly turning green and scaly. The snakes glared at me with red slit eyes, and the last thing I saw was their mouths, resplendent with three-inch long fangs, lunging at my weak and helpless form as I sank to the ground.

(Just fyi its a nightmare)


(so I was experimenting with a book where the main character falls in love with the reader)
"Please don't close the book. I don't want to die." (and that's the last sentence of the book)

(…I think I saw that on pinterest)
There's this one sentence that I was super proud of when I wrote it:
People with agenda are the kindest.


This is just a small piece of something i had in mind for the romance novel that i've been trying to find the ambition to write: They say love can be found around every corner, but I must be walking in circles.


"They were the four gayest saints around, and they made sure to guide their lovely gay preacher around to convert more straights with the almighty Gayble of queer teachings and acceptance. The Gayble instructed to follow the 10 Commandments of LGBTQIAPD+ Procedures."

And then it keeps getting gayer and gayer down the list of commandments lol.


One time I was writing a short story on aliens reacting to contacts, and one alien was describing it to another alien, saying "Human-Tobias shoved his finger into his eye and peeled off a layer. IS THAT NORMAL?!"