forum Emotional Support Group
Started by @Crisis

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Well, I won't go into detail but I got into a fight with my mum about something I will also not go into detail about. I feel like she won't forgive me ever again, I'm worried she'll disown me. Which is stupid cuz she never showed any sign of wanting to disown me before but I'm still scared.


Hey can I rant a bit? Sorry if I'm bothersome…..

I just popped in on this thread, but I will sit and listen to (read) your rant


Hey guys! Sorry Pixie, that I didn't respond last night, I fell asleep. And sure, Sly you can rant

@Becfromthedead group

Ughhh I'm a human disaster. I want to say I'm depressed, but like… I don't want to freak anyone else out irl by using that word. I've been feeling kind of bad for a week or so now, and I had full-on breakdowns two days in a row, and it's not getting better. It also makes it worse that I'm not going to see my friends for months and I saw them for basically the last time yesterday. It just kind of pushed me over the edge.
I also finally worked up the courage to tell my mom that I wanted to see a therapist, but she's acting like this hasn't been happening for some reason. Like I got upset twice and need therapy. While I understand this could be temporary, it's been a long-term issue and I want to get help instead of constantly wallowing in self-pity. I guess there are just some things she didn't notice, but also, why does she think I skipped so much school this year? I was emotionally sick, for lack of a better explanation. I don't feel like breaking down in front of my friends. They haven't seen that side of me yet, and I think it's better off hidden.


Someone recently sent me this video and it really made my day.
It's nothing revolutionary, but I guess it's something we all need to hear sometimes

"We're all a little broken, but last time I checked broken crayons still color the same"

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Hey y'all.
Glad someone made this :)
Idk, I've just been stressed lately. Maybe it's because school is starting up again sometime soon? Nothing seems to work out for me. And, completely unrelated, but is it normal to be really stressed out because of thinking about what happens after you die?


gives Mir big hug

Take a deep breath. Ground yourself. Look around you, observe everything carefully. Play with a pet. Take a walk. Read. Take a shower. Clean your room. Listen to music.

Remember that you're alive. Your life is in the hands of the Creator, your merciful Father who loves you unconditionally. You're not dying. Focus on the here and now, not the future.

School is really stressful. But hey. At least you're not moving to a completely new place, right?


so, i have a LOOOOOONG issue that i more or less just wanna rant about, im sorry, feel free to totally ignore this lol
my (now) fiance works at a gym. he started as a trainer, then quickly worked to being an assistant manager (he really does bust his ass at work). There have been many a girls who have worked there, but this one chicky was an issue. ill call her C. C was always very friendly with my honey. my honey is a nice guy (who has low self esteem) so he was just nice back to her. i watch them, poor guy is sooo oblivious to people hitting on him. well, C was HARD CORE hitting on him (she knew we were dating, ive even interacted with her while my honey was standing next to me, ive freaking kissed him in front of her). Babe was thinking "oh! she doesnt like me! we are just friends!" well i could see from a MILE away she had a thing for him
in short, babe and i went to disney and thats when he proposed, she was by a mutual friend at the time and the friend said that C was throwing a fit the entire time, legit throwing stuff. she even set alarm clocks so she know when it was going to happen. cause she though he was going to do it during the fireworks at magic kingfdom….btw florida and wisconsin are different time zones. so she even kept that in mind when setting the alarms o_o fiance instantly stopped talking to her. (she was eventually fired for other stuff)
NOW (lol omg this is so long im so sorry)
honey was at work and a new-ish girl came in early. babe goes "oh thank god you are here early, i have to poop" so she clocks in and babe run to the bathroom. about 6 minutes late he comes out and theres a small line of customers at the front desk, new girl isnt anywhere to be seen. so he walks up confused and asks one of the customers if there was a girl up here. "yeah, she was up here for a short amount of time, then she grabbed her keys and drove off". well shit okay. so honey stays late till the next person come in.
well this girl that left is now spreading a crap ton of lies of fb about how my fiance left her alone for 45 minuted (then she changed it to 30), how he flirts with every female worker, that hes videotaped people in the bathrooms, and that hes cheated on me a lot. all of it is false, and now i even have strangers messaging me about all of this and harassing me. well, my honey found out that the rumors of him cheating are coming from…you guessed it! C!!! shes made it her goal to have all her friends help her in spreading the rumor that hes cheating on me.

im just so sick of this crap lol

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Okay. First of all, CONGRATS!!!!!! YOU'RE ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!
Secondly, C sounds frickin terrible. I'm really sorry about that.
Honestly, the relationship is between you two; you're the only ones who need to worry about it. If other people think he's cheating, that's too bad. As long as you know he's loyal, you'll be fine.
If people are harassing you, remember that there are ways to get help with this. If it's bad enough, you could even tell the police (only if it's BAD, though). Calmly correct these people, then block them and let it alone.
Congrats again (seriously!)!
Good luck!

  • Mir 🐢


@"The Grammar Queen"
THANKS!!! i am so excited/scared lol
And yeah, shes got some issues (tbh, I kinda feel bad for her…like, what happened to her to make her turn out this way?)
And i know hes not cheating, he hates the human race and is WAAAAAYYYYYY to awkward to randomly hook up with someone. plus literally all he does is work, come home, play games, sleep, and go back to work. if he ever does go anywhere else he tells me like "hey hon, going to walmart, need anything?"
so i pretty much know where he is 100% of the time.
and all ive been saying to the people messaging me is: "K." lol. yay passive aggressive-ness! but then i block them AS SOON as i reply. its kinda been helping
Thanks again!!!