forum Emotional Support Group
Started by @Crisis

people_alt 9 followers


If you need emotional support, or can offer emotional support, you are welcome to join. We are right here with you and can talk whenever you need.

@Becfromthedead group

I'm here to give and receive support. My stress levels are through the roof, but that won't stop me from giving free hugs and advice, if possible.


Alright! I hope we can get more people in here. The more, the merrier. Is there anything you want to talk about?

@Becfromthedead group

Uhhh idk. I feel like I'm capable of complaining a lot. I'd say right now I'm sick of adults around me being irresponsible, then turning around and acting like we're the immature ones. (I actually am technically an adult, thank you very much.) I also got unnecessary sass from a teacher today, twice, and I was literally just asking a question. I've only been two school 1 1/2 days this week, between a job shadowing (which was cool, but also a letdown in some respects) and also not being able to get out of bed because I'm stupid emotional and I'm pretty sure I've got mild depression, as I've been showing signs on and off for a solid year now, but I haven't bothered to tell anyone. Sorry if I'm oversharing, I just have a lot on my mind.


It's okay, you're not oversharing. I made this discussion so people can share and help. I also have a hard time getting out of bed cough too depressedcough, and I don't tell anyone bc I feel like other people need the attention more than me. For whatever reason, many people hide what they're feeling and I encourage you to tell someone, but it's totally up to you. I find listening to music helps me relax and stimulates my brain, so my alarm is music. It helps me relax before the day has even begun. It might help you, idk because I'm not you. Nobody else is you, and nobody else can truly understand what you are feeling. I also am tired of adults turning everything on us. As for teachers being unnecessarily sassy, personally, I would switch my classes and never show my face there again because they don't deserve me and I have anger issues, so don't take my advice on that.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, I might try the music thing. You never know, it might work. And I'd really like to tell someone, but idk who. I sort of told one of my close friends, who said therapy was worth a try if I needed someone to talk to (she does it for anxiety), but I'd have to tell my parents if I wanted to get therapy, since I'm still financially dependent (and will be for a few years into the future probably) and everything I feel they dismiss as "normal."
I would also like to point out this teacher doesn't even teach me. She doesn't even know me. I literally just came to her class to pick something up because she had paperwork of mine, and every word that came out of her mouth was sass and rudeness. (Actually, I did argue with her once because she told me my clothes weren't appropriate when I had a physical list and proof that they fit within guidelines, and there were girls wearing ridiculous things, but whatever). At least I don't have to see her again after graduation. That's one thing I'm really looking forward to. I finally get to move on from all the ridiculousness that my school pulls.


Well, hello, the time has come and I am in need of emotional support. I'm just really depressed lately. I can't stop eating, which is definitely not healthy, especially when there are times I don't want to eat at all. Everything stresses me out, and I get panic attacks all throughout the day, just about everything. About things that happened in the past, about things that will or might happen, and sometimes they just happen. My mom just so happens to be out of town, so she's not dragging me outside or forcing me to do things, which was helpful, and now the fact that I don't go outside or socialize is probably adding fuel to my depression. I just don't know what to do, I want to cry, and I can't freaking tell anyone. Sorry, I've just been bad again lately.

Deleted user

Everyone has secrets without a voice and it's sad to think that no one is willing to listen :(
I am here if you need emotional support! You deserve some love!


Thanks. This probably isn't the best idea, rattling off my woes to strangers, but there's not much else I can do. I mean, it seems even worse to rattle off your woes to someone who is paid to listen to you and tell you why you're not okay. It probably would do me good to see a therapist, though. Well, I should probably sleep. G'night. (+10 extra credit points for the GIF, btw)

Deleted user

And I don't mind you voicing your worries. Everybody has to sometimes.


So this might not be helpful at all
But there's this website called where you can find "online therapy and free counseling" so basically they have trained professionals who lend a listening ear
I had some major struggles with depression/self-harm this year and I the last thing I wanted to do was talk to someone about it, especially someone I knew or someone at school
So I went on this site ….and chickened out so I can't actually tell you what it's like (except that they have a bunch of different areas where you can ask for specific counseling/listening, like depression/anxiety/relationship issues) but I've heard positive things about it
so idk if you're braver than me and you have internet access and you want to talk to someone but like not someone you know then I guess you could go check it out? I'm pretty sure it's anonymous too


Wow ninja that sound really helpful, I would like to join this group although im not great at giving advice im up to be an open ear! Im also really bad at talking about my problems though