forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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@RhysTheFirebird group

Haha yeah. Been here awhile. Makes me feel old

I can say a few sites I’ve been on forever. But not this one.
See, and it’s the older people I wanna try to get to ‘know’. No offense y’all, but they have a writing style more my style. . . Most of the time.
And it gives me a challenge to try to keep up. :)
though I have lots of fun writing with everyone

I've been around since 2017. I'm one of the oldest active people on here. Or, well, been on here as one of the longest

Yeah. . .
Maybe someday I’ll be an old veteran, but for now. . . I’m jus a youngin.


Y’all, I just read over the elder-gods chat and I was like. . . Damn. They’ve existed for five years. . .
And I feel old here already.
Probably because of all the newbies lately or something.

Do not be afraid, my child
Actually do, we're scary when we're mad
But most of us are just crotchety old bastards, we're harmless (mostly)

@RhysTheFirebird group

Y’all, I just read over the elder-gods chat and I was like. . . Damn. They’ve existed for five years. . .
And I feel old here already.
Probably because of all the newbies lately or something.

Do not be afraid, my child
Actually do, we're scary when we're mad
But most of us are just crotchety old bastards, we're harmless (mostly)

I am not afraid. . . I get scary when I’m mad too. . . Honestly. . .
I don’t think anyone here has actually scene me mad. . .

@Null-Gravity language

(Guys, sidenote. andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) changed his user. He's now "Eldest God andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)" and honestly that title scares me. I do not know why.)