forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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@JustALostM book

Good morning. (It is currently almost 7pm and I have multiple writing assignments due please help)

It;s evening for me-


(Same here. 7pm. took a nap. Woke up. Checked my email. Instantly closed my email due to the fact that I've gotten an email from my teacher telling me she cant wait for my short story to be given in two days. Sounds like a lot of time but no, It's not. D;)

@RhysTheFirebird group

Good morning. (It is currently almost 7pm and I have multiple writing assignments due please help)

It;s evening for me-


(Same here. 7pm. took a nap. Woke up. Checked my email. Instantly closed my email due to the fact that I've gotten an email from my teacher telling me she cant wait for my short story to be given in two days. Sounds like a lot of time but no, It's not. D;)

Oh- lol

@JustALostM book

Can Anyone give me a random prompt I can work off of?

I'm stealing one from my club.

Every year your character changes places with someone random in the world.



Can Anyone give me a random prompt I can work off of?

I'm stealing one from my club.

Every year your character changes places with someone random in the world.


Or this one:

Life is pretty easy and normal, all things considering. You live in a regular suburban town with a regular suburban family. Then one day, you discover an entire medieval dungeon under your neighborhood. What do you do?

@RhysTheFirebird group

Can Anyone give me a random prompt I can work off of?

You forget your memory and wake up to know that everyone else has forgotten you as well. Every time you’re away from someone for longer tha 10 min, they forget about you again, while you remember them
(Kinda biased off off The Invisible Life of Addie La Rue)

@JustALostM book

Can Anyone give me a random prompt I can work off of?

I'm stealing one from my club.

Every year your character changes places with someone random in the world.


Or this one:

Life is pretty easy and normal, all things considering. You live in a regular suburban town with a regular suburban family. Then one day, you discover an entire medieval dungeon under your neighborhood. What do you do?

Both are Ooooooo


Can Anyone give me a random prompt I can work off of?

I'm stealing one from my club.

Every year your character changes places with someone random in the world.


Or this one:

Life is pretty easy and normal, all things considering. You live in a regular suburban town with a regular suburban family. Then one day, you discover an entire medieval dungeon under your neighborhood. What do you do?

Both are Ooooooo

I've got more I can pull from my club

@JustALostM book

Can Anyone give me a random prompt I can work off of?

I'm stealing one from my club.

Every year your character changes places with someone random in the world.


Or this one:

Life is pretty easy and normal, all things considering. You live in a regular suburban town with a regular suburban family. Then one day, you discover an entire medieval dungeon under your neighborhood. What do you do?

Both are Ooooooo

I've got more I can pull from my club

Please do!


Can Anyone give me a random prompt I can work off of?

I'm stealing one from my club.

Every year your character changes places with someone random in the world.


Or this one:

Life is pretty easy and normal, all things considering. You live in a regular suburban town with a regular suburban family. Then one day, you discover an entire medieval dungeon under your neighborhood. What do you do?

Both are Ooooooo

I've got more I can pull from my club

Please do!

You've been traveling on horseback for a few hours and notice something is following behind you. You can't see who or what but they're approaching fast. There's no time to plan, what do you do



I hear that Davadio’s new nickname is Skittles

If you go to his profile it says davadio loves skittles. So this skittles now. But he's busy today so he won't answer the summons until tomorrow

@the-void-galactic language


I hear that Davadio’s new nickname is Skittles

If you go to his profile it says davadio loves skittles. So this skittles now. But he's busy today so he won't answer the summons until tomorrow

Fabulous, I’m glad I came back to this instead of more drama

Also welcome to the chat!!!! You are very cool