forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

Only read if you're willing to be a little traumatized lol

Have fun mom gives u the best perfume on earth (its pink sugar)

@False-andrew flash_on

Y'know, half tempted to hand over a couple characters to Null (wherever she is and when she comes back again that is) and have her build them from the bottom up- see how good she is at keeping basic concepts while introducing new ideas and whatnot lol

Deleted user

Lol jk, Null is def better than I am- have you seen that girl's sheets?

I think basically everyone here has better character sheets then me so it's a low bar

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

Me when the friend I've had a crush on for the past year is talking to me about breaking up w his gf but I'm not gonna go after him cus his gf is a close friend of mine and I'm not one of those girls

@the-void-phantasmic language

I’m not doing nanowrimo this year, probably gonna wait until I’m out of school to start participating tbh. I only ever have time to write little blurbs and those don’t add up as much as they need to