forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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I asked an ai to write a song about a gay frog and this happened…

I will now write a song about gay frogs. Here is my song: A Gay Frog Went to Paris, and Came Back with Dingo The Spanish Bulldog and It seems fair to expect that any time you meet a gay frog, the best next thing you could do is bring him to your house. Before you head out, you should know that he may be a spy for the Russians. He may also have a bag of bathtub toys and the address of your rabbi in his pocket. You should also know that the gay frog's wife is a Spaniard, and that he wants her to teach him how to speak better. After the gay frog is done with you, he will leave for Los Angeles, where he plans to meet up with a camel that's 6 feet tall, and another frog with a beautiful voice. He wants to bring them back to his house so that they can sing a song together. He's named it De Que Viva la Salsa, or something like that, which I guess means something like, "how wonderful is salsa," but I can't be bothered to look it up right now. It's just a dumb name, and I don't think the frog has ever seen a salsa dance. The frog calls the song he plans to sing, Gai - uh, which I'm guessing means something like "Gai - u - uh." I think you're going to have to sing it to him at least three times. Then he's going to become your employee, cleaning your house. And what a job it is. If you thought your life was bad before, I can't imagine how much worse it will be after you've been my employee. But you've got to do it, because it's your only option. The gay frog is going to work for you until about the middle of December.

Deleted user

You ever just dig your nails into your skin and end up breaking the skin, then irritating the spot so much it starts bleeding? Looks at all the scars on my arms and back Cause I might have a problem

it feels so good

@RhysTheFirebird group

You ever just dig your nails into your skin and end up breaking the skin, then irritating the spot so much it starts bleeding? Looks at all the scars on my arms and back Cause I might have a problem

it feels so good

. . .

Deleted user

You ever just dig your nails into your skin and end up breaking the skin, then irritating the spot so much it starts bleeding? Looks at all the scars on my arms and back Cause I might have a problem

it feels so good

. . .


@RhysTheFirebird group

You ever just dig your nails into your skin and end up breaking the skin, then irritating the spot so much it starts bleeding? Looks at all the scars on my arms and back Cause I might have a problem

it feels so good

. . .


. . .

@RhysTheFirebird group

Just seems. . . Yk. . . Being addicted to making yourself bleed by digging you nails into your arm. . .


isn’t that sh. . . And you should probably find a way to stop?

@Eli-the-transboi group

Just seems. . . Yk. . . Being addicted to making yourself bleed by digging you nails into your arm. . .


isn’t that sh. . . And you should probably find a way to stop?

Yeah it is- and yes. So is biting yourself.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Just seems. . . Yk. . . Being addicted to making yourself bleed by digging you nails into your arm. . .


isn’t that sh. . . And you should probably find a way to stop?

Yeah it is- and yes. So is biting yourself.

I don’t bite myself-

@Eli-the-transboi group

Just seems. . . Yk. . . Being addicted to making yourself bleed by digging you nails into your arm. . .


isn’t that sh. . . And you should probably find a way to stop?

Yeah it is- and yes. So is biting yourself.

I don’t bite myself-

……….coughs in I do-