forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

Does anyone here like to role-play if they are free to, No I'm not a rookie on role-play.

yo can you like,,, not do this here

@HighPockets group

I came very close to making a My Immortal reference in my creative writing project, but I ended up cutting it for space lol

Ooooooooooo you could have though… What were you going to do?

I was writing a short story about Della and Beck, and I was going to have this in her narration:
"My hair hadn't been its natural brown since my goth phase in middle school, when I sort of looked like a dollar store Enoby Way, complete with the plastered-on clown-white foundation and eyeliner with the wingspan of a bald eagle."


I was running out of room and was like double what I was supposed to. I can send you what I did write though, I kinda like it.

@Moxie group

Lowkey we need more dudes on this site.
Just like a general observation.

Where are all the male writers?

Most of the male writers I’ve met are assholes tbh

I would recruit dudes who write from my school buuuuut I don’t want them on notebook

I completely feel. What's your reason?

Well first of all, I’m not out at my school and so I don’t want to have to act straight on here, or come out to them

And also cause notebook is mine. Only one or two of my school friends are on here, and that’s all I’m cool with

Also cause the group of people at this school who write include this really really creepy dude that I hate and I don’t want a chance of him hearing about it and coming on here

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

@Gyoza I think Tasha is probably my favorite of yours.


Someone loves my sarcastic, emotionally compromised, punk singing, disaster Wraith.
This makes me so damn happy

You'll have to tell me about Tasha. And also if you want to talk to me about Silas @JynSeesAGreenLight hit me up, friend.

I love him

So do I. I used to hate him but he's grown more in character and I am really wanting to give him some POV time.

Deleted user

Does anyone here like to role-play if they are free to, No I'm not a rookie on role-play.

I doubt this so much
We are writers on a writing site. Of course we roleplay.

@HighPockets group

Lowkey we need more dudes on this site.
Just like a general observation.

Where are all the male writers?

Most of the male writers I’ve met are assholes tbh

I would recruit dudes who write from my school buuuuut I don’t want them on notebook

I completely feel. What's your reason?

Well first of all, I’m not out at my school and so I don’t want to have to act straight on here, or come out to them

And also cause notebook is mine. Only one or two of my school friends are on here, and that’s all I’m cool with

Also cause the group of people at this school who write include this really really creepy dude that I hate and I don’t want a chance of him hearing about it and coming on here

Those are honestly the same reasons why I don't tell people at my school to join…I don't want them to know me like you guys do.

@HighPockets group

@Gyoza I think Tasha is probably my favorite of yours.


Someone loves my sarcastic, emotionally compromised, punk singing, disaster Wraith.
This makes me so damn happy

You'll have to tell me about Tasha. And also if you want to talk to me about Silas @JynSeesAGreenLight hit me up, friend.

I love him

So do I. I used to hate him but he's grown more in character and I am really wanting to give him some POV time.

I have the issue of giving everyone a bit of POV time, even if it's just one or two paragraphs. It helps to build character.

Deleted user

Btw still learning this site

and you landed——————-here

The attitude in that.

this is me we are talking about

Deleted user

I set up a google doc so people can read my story off of that instead of notebook

other than that, no one has a clue about my writing adventures on notebook

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Lowkey we need more dudes on this site.
Just like a general observation.

Where are all the male writers?

Most of the male writers I’ve met are assholes tbh

I would recruit dudes who write from my school buuuuut I don’t want them on notebook

I completely feel. What's your reason?

Well first of all, I’m not out at my school and so I don’t want to have to act straight on here, or come out to them

And also cause notebook is mine. Only one or two of my school friends are on here, and that’s all I’m cool with

Also cause the group of people at this school who write include this really really creepy dude that I hate and I don’t want a chance of him hearing about it and coming on here

All legitimate reasons. All the people at college really only one person that really bugs me thinks I'm a loser. I don't want to have to deal with outside life here. I've built myself a place here and I don't want the balance shifted.

Deleted user

also more writers my age….would be…..nice…..

Yeahhh you’re kinda surrounded by children



@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I came very close to making a My Immortal reference in my creative writing project, but I ended up cutting it for space lol

Ooooooooooo you could have though… What were you going to do?

I was writing a short story about Della and Beck, and I was going to have this in her narration:
"My hair hadn't been its natural brown since my goth phase in middle school, when I sort of looked like a dollar store Enoby Way, complete with the plastered-on clown-white foundation and eyeliner with the wingspan of a bald eagle."


I was running out of room and was like double what I was supposed to. I can send you what I did write though, I kinda like it.

Running? Out? Of room?? I do not know this concept. But send it though by all means.

@Moxie group

All legitimate reasons. All the people at college really only one person that really bugs me thinks I'm a loser. I don't want to have to deal with outside life here. I've built myself a place here and I don't want the balance shifted.


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

@Gyoza I think Tasha is probably my favorite of yours.


Someone loves my sarcastic, emotionally compromised, punk singing, disaster Wraith.
This makes me so damn happy

You'll have to tell me about Tasha. And also if you want to talk to me about Silas @JynSeesAGreenLight hit me up, friend.

I love him

So do I. I used to hate him but he's grown more in character and I am really wanting to give him some POV time.

I have the issue of giving everyone a bit of POV time, even if it's just one or two paragraphs. It helps to build character.

I've seen it done decently (Bridge to Neverland) but I'm not sure how I want to do it. I would like him to have a chunk of his own (maybe one chapter? Idk.), but I don't want to do the HoO deal at all.

@Moxie group

I set up a google doc so people can read my story off of that instead of notebook

other than that, no one has a clue about my writing adventures on notebook

People know I’m on some writing website all the time instead of working but most of them don’t know any specifics

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

All legitimate reasons. All the people at college really only one person that really bugs me thinks I'm a loser. I don't want to have to deal with outside life here. I've built myself a place here and I don't want the balance shifted.


Yeah. I have issues with her because I love her but she can be so mean but I think she thinks she's alright and ugh.

@HighPockets group

@Gyoza I think Tasha is probably my favorite of yours.


Someone loves my sarcastic, emotionally compromised, punk singing, disaster Wraith.
This makes me so damn happy

You'll have to tell me about Tasha. And also if you want to talk to me about Silas @JynSeesAGreenLight hit me up, friend.

I love him

So do I. I used to hate him but he's grown more in character and I am really wanting to give him some POV time.

I have the issue of giving everyone a bit of POV time, even if it's just one or two paragraphs. It helps to build character.

I've seen it done decently (Bridge to Neverland) but I'm not sure how I want to do it. I would like him to have a chunk of his own (maybe one chapter? Idk.), but I don't want to do the HoO deal at all.

Same, I want to stay away from designated chapters and go with the flow more. Della's the only character who gets a first person perspective because I wanted to try my hand at a very distinct voice for her.

Deleted user

take off your hat bc it’s not fashionable enough to die over