forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@The-Magician group

Such is being human.

Indeed, I'm not a fan.
I'm also not a fan of being here in general—I hate the society I have been trapped in.

  • I live in a house where there are 3 children who get on all our nerves (apart from Atria and Fern).
  • The parents of this house are so detached from Lee that they don't even know about us.
  • The parents of this house think that a good way to motivate Lee to get work done is to ground him to the point where his boyfriend isn't even allowed to come down to the door to see him.
  • I am starving as fuck, and there is nothing substantial. I just spent 6 minutes looking around the kitchen and pantry looking for something to cook and I can't because there isn't anything.
  • I'm not allowed to drink or smoke because 1) Lee's health has taken a turn for the worst recently so I have to cut back, and 2) Because the parents of this house don't know about me.
  • I am no longer able to fly because my wings just aren't physically there—love having phantom limbs. Great one.
  • I do not have my violin so my sanity is starting to slip.
  • I have Lee's 'Nostalgia Playlist' playing on repeat in my head and it is driving me insane.
  • I feel so alone, like I can't even go into the back garden for fresh air or talk to the spirits that live out there.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I feel ya bro. Pretty sure I failed that Physics test.

I did however get some help from a friend who saw me breaking down and getting pissed. She showed me formulas to use, and I felt proud of myself for accurately guessing some answers through the use of logical reasoning.

@Mojack group

Argh I got history test tomorrow, at the end of the day

It’s the last day of school too for christmas break—

We were originally supposed to do it today but everyone went to the basketball game so the teacher had a vote and most people said to do it before the break and I kind of agree with them because that way I remember information….but still

And then I have exams after Christmas break! Gotta study during January :)

I’m seeing Star Wars tonight though, and I’m looking forwards to it at least

Deleted user

just to join in on the misery

I sat through a 2 hour meeting that I didn't need to because my boss is stupid

Deleted user

just to join in on the misery

I sat through a 2 hour meeting that I didn't need to because my boss is stupid

Oh really? Why were you there and why shouldn’t you have been?

Dom, questioning everything since 2000

Deleted user

1852 at least. Come on guys

wouldn't it be at most?


dom is an old soul

Deleted user

Ah, y'all didn't understand what I was saying

By at most, I meant that 1852 was the latest date he could've been born

Deleted user

just to join in on the misery

I sat through a 2 hour meeting that I didn't need to because my boss is stupid

Oh really? Why were you there and why shouldn’t you have been?

1- I was there because my boss told me to be there
2- It was not meant for someone in my position. I'm not an engineer.

Deleted user

Thag actually brings up a question of mine lmao

What exactly do you personally do at Microsoft, Eris?