forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@Pickles group

I'd like to be rude to my environmental teacher for telling the sub our assignment was on classroom and then not posting it until MIDNIGHT

@The-Magician group

Hold up, people still use Google Classroom??
I thought that thing died aaaaaages ago!
Though I do feel your pain, my tutors were like that for a while before everyone started complaining. And now I don't need to deal with that because C O L L E G E


K I realize this is very off-topic but…UGH i need to get this out.

I'd like to be rude to my fucking orchestra. now don't get me wrong, i love my orchestra and i love the people in it. it's fucking dress code for concerts? not so much. the boys wear black pants and black shirts, and different colored ties each year. the girls, though?? we have to wear black, fucking floor-length dresses. I hate dresses with a burning passion. IDK why, I just do. And guess what? I am not allowed to wear pants. I have to wear a dress. Because fuck girls that aren't overtly feminine, right?????? I brought this up with my mom and she was like "there aren't many places left that are so good for being feminine" and im like "fuck that. i hate dresses and makeup and all that shit, so Why should i have to wear it?" UGH. I don't understand why it would be such a problem if I wore pants and a nice shirt. I hate it so fucking much. I'm petite, so since the dresses are floor-length, it's always puddling around my feet, and it's a fucking tripping hazard. i almost broke my violin because i tripped on the dress. I just,,,,,,,,I cannot fucking describe how much I fucking hate it

Deleted user

The guys have to wear full as 3 piece suits for chorus and the jacket is so tight it restricts airflow to my brain

@Pickles group

I'm now in her class and she said that she forgot about the schedule change, so she posted it at 11:30 yesterday… yeah, 11:30 last night. And she said we should have seen it then and done it. And then she said that we're going to do it today and that we wouldn't have finished in class yesterday… we have a couple more minutes today than yesterday….ugh

Deleted user

Me: Can I go to the Christmas Carol play tomorrow?
Mom: When is it?
Me: During 7th (Study Hall) and 8th (Acc. Algebra II), why?
Mom: Isn't Algebra II the class you're currently getting a D in?
Me: …
Mom: …
Me: …
Mom: I think you know my answer to your question.

(I hate being a freshman and being labeled 'smart' and being put into a class where there are sophmores and juniors… And my friends are in the play! So now I will live forever lonely…)

@The-Magician group

Me: Can I leave the house?
Mum: Have you caught up on your work?
Me: … leaves the room to catch up on work
Mum: Can you come and do the washing up?
My thoughts: Can I leave the house? If the dishes are so important then you can do them yourself. I'm an adult, and I want a social life. I want to be able to see my boyfriend because it isn't fair on either of us that I can't go out. Yes, I know I'm at college and work all week, and I know that I have some coursework to catch up on, but I HAVE MY OWN LIFE AND I SHALL LIVE IT HOW I PLEASE!
Me: …sighs I'm coming.

@The-Magician group

Hey guys so…
I'm having a shit time at the moment.
I haven't been sleeping, or eating, properly. My mental state has been on the decline the entire week, and I thought about killing myself at college on Tuesday. If I'm not active much for the next couple of days, I'm fine, I'm just surviving.